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How cleft lip surgery is done and baby recovery


Surgery to correct the cleft lip is usually done after the baby's 3 months, if he is in good health, within the ideal weight and without anemia. Surgery to correct the cleft palate can be done when the baby is approximately 18 months old.

The cleft palate is characterized by an opening in the baby's mouth, while the cleft lip is characterized by a 'cut' or lack of tissue between the baby's upper lip and nose, and is easily recognized. These are the most common genetic changes in Brazil, which can be solved with plastic surgery.

Know the causes of cleft lip and cleft palate.

Result of surgery

How is the surgery done

Plastic surgery for cleft lip and cleft palate is performed under general anesthesia, as it is a delicate and precise procedure, although simple, requiring the baby to be quiet. The procedure is quick, takes less than 2 hours and only 1 day of hospital stay is required.

After that the baby can be taken home where he will continue to recover. After waking up it is normal for the baby to be irritated and want to put his hand on his face and to prevent the baby from putting his hands on his face, which can impair healing, the doctor may suggest that the baby stay with his elbows bandaged with a diaper or gauze to keep your arms straight.

Recently, the participation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in plastic surgery for cleft lip and cleft palate was approved. In addition, it becomes the responsibility of SUS to provide follow-up and complementary treatment for babies, as a psychologist, dentist and speech therapist so that speech development and chewing and sucking movements can be stimulated.

How is the baby recovery

After 1 week of surgery to correct cleft lip the baby will be able to breastfeed and after 30 days of surgery the baby should be evaluated by a speech therapist because exercises are usually necessary so that he can speak normally. The mother will be able to massage the baby's lip that will help to heal better, avoiding adhesions. This massage should be done with the index finger at the beginning of the scar in circular movements with firm, but gentle pressure to the lip.

How to feed the baby after surgery

After the surgery, the baby should eat only liquid or pasty food until complete healing, because the pressure that solid food puts on the mouth when chewing can lead to the opening of the stitches, making recovery and even speech difficult.

Some examples of what the baby can eat are porridge, soup in a blender, juice, vitamin, puree. To add protein you can add pieces of meat, chicken or egg in the soup and beat everything in a blender, making it an excellent option for lunch and dinner.

When to take the baby to the dentist

The first appointment should be before surgery, to assess the position of the teeth, the dental arch and oral health, but after 1 month of the surgery you should go to the dentist again so that he can assess whether any procedure is still needed. such as dental surgery or the use of braces, for example. Learn more about the baby's first visit to the dentist.

How cleft lip surgery is done and baby recovery