Home Symptoms 7 Causes of itchy breasts and what to do

7 Causes of itchy breasts and what to do


Itching of the breasts is common and usually happens due to breast enlargement due to weight gain, dry skin or allergies, for example, and disappears after a few days.

However, when the itchiness is accompanied by other symptoms, lasts for weeks or does not pass with the treatment, it is important to go to the doctor to make the diagnosis, as it can mean more serious diseases, such as breast cancer, for example.

Main causes

1. Allergy

Allergy is one of the main causes of itchy breasts, since this region is sensitive and therefore easily irritated. Thus, soaps, perfumes, moisturizing creams, washing products or even tissue can trigger an allergic reaction, resulting in itchy breasts.

What to do: The most recommended is to identify the cause of the allergy and avoid contact. However, if allergic attacks are constant, it may be recommended to use antihistamine drugs to relieve allergy symptoms.

2. Breast augmentation

Breast enlargement due to pregnancy, weight gain or puberty can also cause itching, because the skin stretches due to swelling, which can result in persistent itching between or in the breasts.

Breast augmentation due to pregnancy is normal due to the production of hormones that prepare women for breastfeeding. The increase due to puberty is also normal due to hormonal changes. In the case of weight gain, the breasts may increase due to the accumulation of fat in the region.

What to do: As breast augmentation is something natural, it does not need treatment and usually passes over time. However, in the case of breast enlargement due to weight gain, to reduce the discomfort caused by itching, it may be interesting to practice physical activities on a regular basis and adopt a balanced diet, for example.

If the itch does not go away in a few days, it is recommended to seek guidance from the dermatologist so that the best form of treatment is indicated.

3. Dry skin

Dryness of the skin can also cause itchy skin, and this may be due to natural dryness of the skin, prolonged exposure to the sun, baths with very hot water or the use of products that cause skin irritation, for example.

What to do: In these cases, it is recommended to avoid situations where they favor dry skin, in addition to using moisturizing creams that promote skin regeneration and improve its appearance, reducing dry skin and itching. Here's how to make the homemade solution for dry skin.

4. Skin diseases

Some skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, may have the itchy breasts as a symptom. In addition to itching, there may be local redness, blistering of the skin, scaly lesions and swelling of the region, and it can also occur in other parts of the body, such as arms, legs, knees and back, for example.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the dermatologist to make the diagnosis and initiate treatment that varies according to the severity and age of the person, and the use of ointments or creams with antibiotics, antihistamines, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants may be indicated. or anti-inflammatory drugs according to the type of skin disease and severity of symptoms.

5. Infection

One of the causes of itching between and under the sinuses is infection by fungi, mainly of the species Candida sp. , which is found naturally in the body, but which can proliferate when the immune system is compromised, for example. In addition to itchy breasts, it is common for there to be redness of the region, burning, flaking and the appearance of wounds that are difficult to heal.

Itchy breasts due to the presence of fungi are more common in women with large breasts, as the moisture in the region caused by sweat, for example, helps in the development of the fungus, and in women who are breastfeeding, since the fungus present in the baby's oral cavity can be transmitted to the mother's breast and, in the absence of care, can cause infection. In addition to fungi, itchy breasts can also be due to the presence of bacteria, which can be present in dirty bras, for example.

What to do: In these cases, it is recommended to go to the dermatologist or family doctor so that the cause of the itch is identified and treatment can be started, which is usually done with the use of creams or ointments that contain antifungals or antibacterials and that should be used as directed by the physician.

In addition, it is recommended to wash the bra after at least 2 days of use and pay attention to the hygiene of the region, since it is an area where there is a lot of sweat accumulation, which favors the proliferation of microorganisms.

6. Paget's disease

Paget's disease of the breast is a rare type of breast disorder that occurs most frequently in women over 50 years of age. The main indicative signs of Paget's disease of the breast are itching of the breast and nipple, pain in the nipple, alteration of the shape of the nipple and a burning sensation.

In more advanced cases, there may be involvement of the skin around the areola and nipple ulceration, and it is important that the diagnosis and treatment be made as soon as possible to avoid complications. Here's how to identify Paget's disease of the breast.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the mastologist to evaluate the symptoms and carry out further tests. After the diagnosis of the disease, it is important that treatment is started as soon as possible to prevent the disease from developing. The usually recommended treatment is mastectomy followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy sessions. However, when the disease is less extensive, removal of the injured part may be indicated.

7. Breast cancer

In rare cases, itchy breasts can be indicative of breast cancer, especially when accompanied by other symptoms, such as rash, increased sensitivity in the region, redness, appearance of "orange peel" on the breast skin and discharge of secretion on the nipple, for example. Learn to recognize the symptoms of breast cancer.

What to do: In case of suspected breast cancer, it is recommended that mammography and breast self-examination are performed, however, confirmation of breast cancer is only possible after consultation with the mastologist, since it is indicated more specific tests to detect this type of cancer.

In the case of confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor indicates the best treatment according to the severity and stage of the cancer, and chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery to remove the tumor, for example, may be indicated. In the case of surgery, depending on the extent of the cancer, the doctor may choose to remove the entire breast or only part of it.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor when the itch is very intense, lasts for weeks and when the itch does not improve even with the proper treatment. In addition, it is important to consult the doctor when the itching is accompanied by other symptoms, such as redness, swelling of the region, increased breast sensitivity, pain, alteration of the breast skin or discharge from the nipple, for example.

7 Causes of itchy breasts and what to do