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Hydrolyzed collagen: what is it for and how to take it


Hydrolyzed collagen is a dietary supplement, made mainly from bones and bovine cartilage, which can be used to promote collagen production by the body, helping to improve the appearance of the skin and strengthen joints, nails and hair. This supplement can be found in the form of capsules or powder, which must be diluted in water, juices or teas.

Collagen supplementation is usually recommended from the age of 30, but it can also be used earlier by people who spend a lot of time in the sun, who smoke or who have an unhealthy diet, as these factors worsen skin health, stimulate skin aging and can interfere with the production of collagen in the body.

What is Hydrolyzed Collagen for

Hydrolyzed collagen serves mainly to promote skin firmness elasticity and strengthen joints. This is because collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is responsible for the formation of various tissues, such as skin, cartilage, bones and tendons, in addition to protecting organs, and is therefore essential for the maintenance of various body structures. As you get older, the body decreases collagen production, resulting in sagging skin and joint pain, for example.

In addition, there are other situations that can also interfere with collagen production, such as smoking, staying in the sun for a long time, having an unhealthy diet and having some diseases.

Hydrolyzed collagen refers to the way collagen is found. That is, collagen goes through a process in which its molecules become smaller, being much easier to be absorbed by the body and thus being possible to be taken as a supplement or even to be found in beauty and skin care products. the skin.

Clarify the most common questions about collagen.

Main benefits

The main benefits of hydrolyzed collagen include:

  • Improves skin firmness and elasticity; Strengthens joints, nails and hair; Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis; Prevention of aging; Caring for tendons and ligaments; Improves blood pressure control; Preventing the appearance of gastric ulcers.

It is important to highlight that these benefits are obtained mainly when you have a healthy diet, which also enhances the results brought by supplementation with collagen. Learn how to eat a collagen-rich diet.

How to take

The recommended amount of collagen intake is 8 to 10 g per day, which can be consumed with a meal, at any time of the day. The best type of collagen is hydrolyzate as it is better absorbed in the intestine. Collagen powder can be found with or without flavor and can be diluted with water, juices, soups or vitamins.

In addition, the intake of vitamin C together with collagen is important, as it enhances its effects on the body, so it is advisable to dilute the collagen or take its capsules together with a source of vitamin C, such as lemon juice, orange, pineapple or tangerine. Thus, with the intention of improving its efficiency, some collagens already have vitamin C in its formulation.

When to take collagen

Collagen is usually indicated for people over 30 or who have joint problems. In addition, it is also recommended for people who are unable to consume enough protein in the diet, which can accelerate the loss of skin firmness and cause joint problems.

It is also recommended for people who smoke or spend a lot of time exposed to the sun, as they are factors that age the skin more quickly. In addition, collagen can still be used to promote wound healing and surgery, favoring the reduction of scarring.

Price and where to buy

The price of hydrolyzed collagen varies according to the form of presentation of the supplement, being approximately 20 reais for 150 grams of powder, and 30 reais for 120 capsules.

It can be found in pharmacies, drugstores, health food stores and on the internet. It can also be found as an ingredient in food products like collagen mints and cereal bars with collagen, for example.

Hydrolyzed collagen: what is it for and how to take it