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How to treat bulimia


The treatment for bulimia, which is binge eating and followed by vomiting, should involve the patient and his family, including psychotherapy, group therapies, medication use and dietary reeducation guided by a nutritionist, because the greatest fear and resistance to treatment is the fear of putting on weight the feeling of not being able to stop eating.

At the beginning of bulimia, especially when the patient does not feel sick and believes that inducing vomiting can help him lose weight, he tries to hide the signs of the disease and cannot see the harm it can cause until the vomiting is out of control even preventing him from eating an entire meal without vomiting.

Therefore, it is important that friends and family are aware of the signs of changes in eating behavior at the beginning of the disorder, because treatment for bulimia can take weeks to make the patient establish a healthier relationship with food and in the long term it is possible achieve a cure for the disease.

Curing bulimia often requires treatment that involves taking antidepressants, psychologists and a nutritionist.


Treatment with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the main way to assess feelings and learn to think differently to face situations and feelings that may be related to eating.

In addition, therapy sessions will also focus on understanding the patient's personal relationships or difficult moments such as the loss of loved ones or major changes in personal or professional life, with the aim of strengthening family and friends relationships, which may provide support. to overcome bulimia.

However, extra care is often necessary when the patient with bulimia shows signs of propensity for suicide or self-mutilation, and it may be necessary to stay in hospital to prevent further damage to the body itself.


The doctor may also prescribe antidepressant medications, such as Fluoxetine, to help with emotional control of the disease.

After 2 to 10 weeks of using the medication, it is important to go back to the doctor to assess the effects of the medication and adjust the dose given, remembering that antidepressants are contraindicated in cases of epilepsy, heart, kidney or liver problems.

Nutritional monitoring

Nutritional monitoring is done in order to clarify doubts about food and food calories, showing how to make healthy food choices to promote control or weight loss without putting your health at risk, because normally those who have bulimia maintain a normal weight or slightly above your ideal weight.

Thus, a diet plan is prepared by the nutritionist to provide all the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, respecting the preferences and lifestyle of the patient and enough calories so that there is no weight gain.

The treatment of bulimia must involve health professionals, and in order to avoid complications of bulimia when the disease is not immediately controlled.

How to treat bulimia