Home Symptoms Diet to sculpt a negative belly

Diet to sculpt a negative belly


The negative belly diet involves reducing the intake of foods with fat and sugar, combined with localized and daily exercise.

Taking some type of nutritional supplement can be indicated under medical prescription or nutritionist.

How to have a negative belly

To have a negative belly you must have:

  • The weight must be between the BMI of 18 and 19 Kg / m2; The training must be daily and guided with localized exercises; The intestine must function regularly; The percentage of body fat should be around the lower limit, which is 20% for women.

Food allergies, such as lactose or gluten intolerance, usually cause gas and make the belly swollen so the food must be well controlled.

The time it takes to get a negative belly depends on the amount of fat deposited, but it is possible to state that within an interval of 3 months following the guidance of a physical therapist or physical education teacher for training and a nutritionist to guide the diet, it is possible to view significant changes.

For women, reaching a negative belly can take longer than for men, because of the uterus, which in addition to being an extra organ, is coated with fat that, among other functions, protects the structure of the uterus.

Negative belly supplement

Some examples of natural supplements that can serve to have a negative belly are:

  • CLA - conjugated linoleic acidSpirulinL-carnitineLemonRed teaGreen teaArtichokeCaffeine

Any supplement must be indicated by a specialized technician even when the use of a medical prescription is not mandatory to purchase it. Any supplement, including natural active ingredients, can have side effects and contraindications.

Another effective diet for weight loss is the Fast Metabolism Diet, which promises to lose up to 10 kg in 1 month.

Diet to sculpt a negative belly