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How HIV Treatment Should Be Done


Treatment for HIV infection is by means of antiretroviral drugs that prevent the virus from multiplying in the body, helping to fight the disease and strengthen the immune system, despite not being able to eliminate the virus from the body. These drugs are provided free of charge by SUS regardless of the viral load that the person has, it is only necessary that the collection of the drug be made with a medical prescription.

There are already many studies with the goal of finding a cure for HIV infection, however there are no conclusive results yet. However, it is important to follow the indicated treatment so that it is possible to decrease the viral load and increase the person's quality of life, in addition to also decreasing the risk of developing diseases that are often related to AIDS, tuberculosis, pneumonia and cryptosporidiosis, for example.

When to start HIV / AIDS treatment

The treatment of HIV infection should be started as soon as the diagnosis is established, which is done through tests that should be recommended by the general practitioner, infectologist, urologist, in the case of men or gynecologist, in the case of women. These tests can be ordered together with other routine tests or as a way to check for virus infection after risky behavior, which is sexual intercourse without a condom. See how the diagnosis of HIV infection is made.

HIV treatment should be started immediately in pregnant women or when the person has a viral load above 100, 000 / ml in the blood test or a CD4 T lymphocyte rate below 500 / mm³ of blood. Thus, it is possible to control the rate of viral replication and decrease the symptoms and complications of the disease.

If antiretroviral treatment is started when the patient is in a more advanced stage of the disease, it is possible that there is an inflammation called Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (CRS), however, even in these situations, therapy should be continued and the doctor can evaluate the use of Prednisone for a week or two to help control inflammation.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of AIDS is done with the use of antiretroviral drugs offered by SUS that are able to prevent the multiplication of the HIV virus and, thus, prevent the weakening of the human body. Furthermore, when the treatment is done correctly, there is an improvement in the patient's quality of life and a decrease in the chance of developing some diseases that can be related to AIDS, such as tuberculosis, cryptosporidiosis, aspergillosis, skin diseases and heart problems, for example. Know the main AIDS-related illnesses.

SUS also makes HIV testing available free of charge so that viral load is monitored periodically and, thus, it can be verified whether patients are responding well to treatment. It is recommended that HIV tests be performed at least 3 times a year, as it is thus possible to adjust the treatment, if necessary, avoiding possible complications.

The drugs used to treat AIDS can act by preventing the virus from reproducing, entering the virus into the human cell, integrating the genetic material of the virus and the person, and producing new copies of the virus. Usually the doctor indicates a combination of drugs that may vary according to the viral load, the person's general health and professional activity, due to side effects. Antiretrovirals generally indicated are:

  • Lamivudine; Tenofovir; Efavirenz; Ritonavir; Nevirapine; Enfuvirtide; Zidovudine; Darunavir; Raltegravir.

The drugs Estavudina and Indinavir used to be indicated to treat AIDS, however their commercialization was suspended due to the great amount of adverse and toxic effects to the organism. Most of the time, treatment is carried out with at least three medications, but it can vary according to the patient's general health and viral load. In addition, treatment during pregnancy may vary as some medications can cause malformations in the baby. Understand how treatment for AIDS is done during pregnancy.

Main side effects

Due to the large amount of medications, treatment for AIDS can result in some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, malaise, loss of appetite, headache, skin changes and loss of fat throughout the body, for example.

These symptoms are more common at the beginning of treatment and tend to disappear over time. But, whenever they appear, you must communicate to the doctor, as it is possible to decrease their intensity by exchanging the medication for another one or adjusting its dose.

The cocktail should always be taken in the right dose and at the right time every day to prevent the virus from getting even stronger, facilitating the appearance of other diseases. Food is also very important in the treatment of AIDS because it prevents chronic diseases, strengthens the immune system and also helps to combat the side effects of antiretroviral therapy. See what to eat to help treat AIDS.

When you return to the doctor

After the first week of treatment, the patient must return to the doctor to check the reactions to the medications, and after this visit, he must return to the doctor once a month. When the disease stabilizes, the patient must return to the doctor every 6 months, undergoing exams every six months or every year, depending on his health status.

Find out more about AIDS in the following video:

How HIV Treatment Should Be Done