Home Bulls 5 Steps to Remove Blackheads and Pimples from the Nose

5 Steps to Remove Blackheads and Pimples from the Nose


The blackheads and pimples appear due to the accumulation of excess sebum or oil, which is concentrated in the pores, leaving them clogged, then forming black spots or blackheads and pimples. This accumulation of fat ends up attracting bacteria that break it down, further irritating the skin leaving it inflamed.

This problem is typical of adolescence, as it is during this time that a greater production of hormones occurs, which stimulate the production of fat by the sebaceous glands. However, blackheads and pimples may appear after the age of 30, in adulthood, due to genetic factors.

Blackheads and pimples are common on the nose and forehead and in adolescence it is common to notice a worsening of symptoms around the menstrual period due to the action of hormones. However, blackheads and pimples in pregnancy are also common due to the increase in progesterone, a hormone that increases the oiliness of the skin by plugging the pores.

Best way to remove blackheads and pimples from the nose

The best way to completely remove blackheads from your nose is by following the following steps, once a week:

1st. Clean the skin properly

To start you need to wash your face with warm water and liquid soap. In addition, a cotton pad soaked in micellar water can be rubbed onto the skin to completely remove all dirt and oil from the skin. See how to properly clean your skin step by step.

2nd. Do an exfoliation

Then, an exfoliating product should be applied to the skin. In addition to the options found in markets and shopping malls, you can prepare an excellent homemade scrub, totally natural with the following recipe:


  • 1 tablespoon of cornmeal

Method of preparation

Just make a homogeneous mixture and then apply to the nose and cheeks with circular movements. This step is important to open the pores and remove dead cells.

See how to prepare other homemade scrub recipes.

3rd. Apply a removing mask

After that, you should apply a blackhead removal mask that can be found at beauty supply stores, but a homemade and easy to prepare option consists of the following recipe:


  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened powdered gelatin 4 tablespoons milk

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients and microwave for 10 to 15 seconds, until a uniform mixture is left. Then apply directly on the nose and let it dry naturally. The thicker this layer gets, the easier it will be to remove the mask. After completely dry, which can take approximately 20 minutes, remove the nose mask by pulling on the edges. It is expected that the blackheads will stick to this mask leaving the skin clean and silky.

4th. Extraction of blackheads

What you can do to remove the blackheads that are deeper in the skin is to squeeze with your fingers or with a small instrument to remove blackheads from the skin. In order for the skin not to become inflamed, care should be taken to squeeze the blackheads from the nose using 2 cotton swabs, which must be pressed exactly next to each blackhead.

Other options are to use an electronic blackhead remover, tweezers or blackhead or whitehead remover that can be purchased online, pharmacies, drugstores or beauty supply stores.

5th. Moisturize the skin

After extracting the blackheads from the skin, spray some thermal water over the entire face, dry with a few gentle pats with a cotton pad and apply a drying gel for pimples or moisturizing gel for oily skin prone to acne.

After all this process, it is not recommended to be exposed to the sun because the skin can be blemished. In addition, it is possible to opt for a professional skin cleaning so that there are no permanent marks and scars on the face. See how professional skin cleaning is done.

Daily treatment for blackheads and pimples on the nose

The treatment for blackheads and pimples aims to control the oiliness of the skin and improve its appearance. To do this, you must clean and tone your skin daily, in addition to moisturizing and protecting it from the sun with a lotion or without oil in the composition.

The home treatment for blackheads and pimples also includes dietary precautions, such as avoiding the consumption of foods high in fat and sugar and preferring the intake of fruits and vegetables and drinking about 2 liters of water per day.

5 Steps to Remove Blackheads and Pimples from the Nose