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How to do aesthetic cryotherapy


Aesthetic cryotherapy is a technique that cools a part of the body using specific creams or devices to combat localized fat, flaccidity and cellulite.

Aesthetic cryotherapy works because, by cooling the region you want to tone, the muscle and skin expend energy to try to compensate for the temperature change by eliminating localized fat. However, this treatment should not be used exclusively for weight loss, it is necessary to follow a low calorie diet and exercise regularly.

The benefits of aesthetic cryotherapy are related to the increase in local energy expenditure, because by cooling the skin and muscle, the body reacts trying to reheat the region, decreasing the metabolism, which confers a small burning of localized fat.

Step by step of aesthetic cryotherapy

To do this treatment on the face it is advised:

  • Wash your face with cold water; Apply exfoliating cream on your face and then remove residues; Slide cold-promoting equipment (which may be an ice cube wrapped in gauze) across the face from the bottom up; Apply moisturizer to finalize.

To do this treatment on the body, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Exfoliate the skin so that the reducing cream penetrates the body more easily; Apply a professional cream for cosmetic cryotherapy that contains camphor, menthol, caffeine or Asian centella, for example; Perform a reducing massage throughout the region or a good lymphatic drainage; Bandage the place to keep the cold, leaving it to act for approximately 20 minutes.

You should keep the cream on your skin for 4 hours and during this period you can perform daily activities normally and you can even perform physical exercises. After this time, you should bathe to remove all the product.

For a better result it is recommended to perform aesthetic cryotherapy at least 3 times a week, on alternate days. The results can be seen from the 3rd week of treatment.

When aesthetic cryotherapy is indicated

Indications for aesthetic cryotherapy include:

  • Improve skin tone, helping to fight sagging; Combat wrinkles and expression lines when used on the face; Decrease the circumference of the thighs, arms or even the waist.

Cryotherapy can be performed on the face, abdomen, arms, flanks, breeches, thighs, buttocks, but it should not be performed on the back as it is very uncomfortable.

Who can not do

Contraindications include skin diseases, such as urticaria, for example, skin infections, during pregnancy, after surgery, immune system disease, heart disease and cancer. Obese individuals are not advised to do this technique, as it only fights localized fat, not excess weight. It is also not a good option in case of cellulite.

How to do aesthetic cryotherapy