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How to lose weight with the milk diet


The milk diet should be used mainly for those who want to lose weight fast, as some meals are replaced only by milk and other foods.

After the loss phase, a diet should be taken to maintain weight or to continue weight loss gradually, maintaining the proper functioning of the metabolism and the burning of fat.

How it works

On the first day of the diet, all meals should be exchanged for milk, being allowed to use whole milk, as it has more vitamins and promotes greater satiety. From the second day on, you can add light, protein-rich foods, such as fruits, yogurt, cheeses, eggs and meats.

These foods stimulate the burning of fat in the body and increase satiety, controlling hunger and the desire to eat. However, it is important to remember that the milk diet should only be done for up to 8 days, since after this period it is necessary to reintroduce other foods gradually, to avoid weight gain.

Advantages of the milk diet

The main advantages of the milk diet are simplicity and low cost, since it is an easy to follow diet. In addition, milk is rich in nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, D and K, and the consumption of other foods like meat and eggs helps to add more nutrients on diet days.

Thus, it is an easy to adapt diet, in which it is possible to eat different types of preparations, and its nutrients will help to keep the body active, despite the great restriction of calories.

Milk diet menu

The following table shows the example of a 4-day milk diet:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Breakfast 1 glass of whole milk 1 glass of milk with 6 strawberries 1 plain yogurt 1 cup of milk
Morning snack 1 glass of whole milk 1 pear 1 apple 1 slice of cheese
Lunch dinner 1 glass of whole milk 1 lean beef steak + green salad 2 scrambled eggs with cauliflower rice 1 fish fillet roasted with vegetables
Afternoon snack 1 glass of whole milk 1 glass of milk + 1 banana 1 glass of milk with 1 slice of papaya 1 plain yogurt

After the 8-day diet, other foods should be added to the menu, such as brown rice, vegetables, brown bread, olive oil and nuts.

How to avoid the accordion effect

As it is a restrictive diet, after 8 days of the milk diet it is necessary to reintroduce new foods little by little, always remembering to avoid sweets, juices, fried foods and foods rich in flour, such as cakes, cookies and pasta.

In addition, it is important to drink plenty of water, practice physical activity and drink 2 cups of slimming teas a day, such as green tea and mate tea, to combat fluid retention. See 5 teas to lose weight.

Dangers of the milk diet

The dangers of the milk diet are linked to the great caloric restriction of the diet, which can cause problems such as dizziness, frankness, malaise and discouragement. In addition, the lack of nutrients can cause mood swings due to the drop in serotonin, which is the well-being hormone.

It is also important to remember that this diet is prohibited for people who are allergic to milk, while lactose intolerants should use the lactose-free version of milk and its derivatives. See how to eat healthy to lose weight.

How to lose weight with the milk diet