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Healthy menu: how to prepare a meal to lose weight


To make a healthy diet to lose weight definitively, it is necessary to learn small tips on how to reduce the size of bread and always use fillings like egg, cheese or chicken to increase the protein content and give more satiety.

These tips will serve to give freedom in the diet, being possible to eat a little of everything without getting fat, because the food will be in balance. Here's how to prepare healthy meals to lose weight:

1. The basis of lunch and dinner is vegetables

Vegetables always owe the main portion of lunch and dinner, as they will give you more satiety at the expense of fewer calories, helping you lose weight.

In addition, they are rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals, nutrients that will bring benefits such as improving the functioning of the intestine, making the intestinal flora healthier and stimulating the body's metabolism and detoxification, increasing energy and disposition.

2. Save on carbohydrate

Add only a small portion of carbohydrates, preferably whole grains, to each meal, such as breads, pasta, rice, flour, cakes and tapioca. When possible, use tricks like making zucchini noodles or pupunha heart of palm, cauliflower rice or just eat salad and protein.

For snacks, 1 to 2 slices of brown bread is enough, as it will be accompanied by proteins such as egg, cheese or chicken, as tip number 3 explains. At lunch and dinner, 3 to 5 tablespoons of rice added to 2 tablespoons of beans are also a good amount to stimulate weight loss. See 4 substitutes for rice and pasta in the diet.

3. Snacks should also have protein

It is very common for most people to eat only fruit, toast or bread with coffee for snacks, for example, but the ideal would be to vary more and bring proteins to these meals as well, as they use more energy to be digested and increase satiety.

Thus, good examples of snacks are eating bread with 1 egg and 1 slice of cheese, drinking whole natural yogurt with some cashew nuts, making a crepioca or eating 2 to 3 toast with chicken or tuna pate. See 6 protein-rich snacks.

4. Eat olive oil, nuts and seeds daily

These foods are rich in good fats and omega-3s, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant action and increase satiety, helping the body to function better. This group also includes foods such as avocado, coconut, peanuts, almonds, peanut butter and nuts.

To include them in the diet, add a drizzle of olive oil to the lunch and dinner plate and, for snacks, eat 1 fruit with 5 to 10 nuts or a shallow spoon of peanut butter. Making avocado vitamins and using seeds to season the egg, chicken pate and salads are also good options.

5. Fruit has a limit, don't overdo it

Despite being healthy, fruits also have calories and are easily digested, not bringing so much satiety. So, instead of eating 2 or 3 fruits in one meal, it is best to eat 1 fruit with baked cheese, for example, or 1 fruit with nuts or natural yogurt, as this adds good fats and proteins, leaving the meal more nutritious.

See other tips with our nutritionist:

Healthy weight loss menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu for easy and healthy weight loss:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of unsweetened strawberry juice + 2 whole toast with 2 dessert spoons of chicken pate with ricotta and oregano 1 glass of whipped milk with 1 tablespoon of oats, 5 strawberries and 1 col of peanut butter dessert 1 slice of brown bread with cheese and unsweetened coffee with milk
Morning snack 2 melon slices + 10 cashew nuts 1 mashed banana with 1 shallow peanut paste 2 slices of papaya with 1 col of chia tea
Lunch 3 tablespoons of brown rice with 1 small scoop of bean broth, 1 medium fillet (100 g) of grilled chicken breast and braised vegetable salad 3 tablespoons of brown rice mixed half and half with corn, cherry tomatoes, chopped parsley and watercress sautéed at will and 1 medium piece (100 g) of grilled fish 1 serving spoon of wholegrain pasta with homemade tomato sauce, 1 can of tuna in water and sautéed broccoli, at will
Afternoon snack 1 whole natural yogurt with 1 col of honey and 1 slice of cheese 1 tapioca with 2.5 col of gum soup + 1 fried egg + unsweetened coffee 1 fried banana with 1 egg and 1 slice of mozzarella cheese

In addition, to accelerate weight loss it is also important to practice physical activity regularly, in addition to taking diuretic and thermogenic teas, which help in burning fat. See examples of teas that lose weight.

Healthy menu: how to prepare a meal to lose weight