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How is diphtheria treated


Treatment for diphtheria should always be guided by a doctor, who is usually the pediatrician, as it is a more common infection in children. However, treatment is usually started with an injection of diphtheria antitoxin, which is a substance capable of reducing the effect of toxins released by the diphtheria bacteria on the body, quickly improving symptoms and facilitating recovery.

However, the treatment must still be complemented with:

  • Antibiotics, usually Erythromycin or Penicillin: which can be administered in the form of pills or as an injection, for up to 14 days; Oxygen mask: used when breathing is affected by the inflammation of the throat, to increase the amount of oxygen in the body; Fever remedies, such as Paracetamol: help to lower body temperature, relieving discomfort and headache.

In addition, it is very important that the person, or the child, with diphtheria stays at rest for at least 2 days, to facilitate recovery, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids during the day to keep the body well hydrated.

When there is a high risk of transmitting the disease to other people, or when the symptoms are very strong, the doctor may advise you to do the treatment while in hospital, and it may even happen that you stay in an isolation room, to avoid transmission of the bacteria.

Who is at risk of getting the disease

Diphtheria is a very contagious and easily transmitted disease and, therefore, people who have been close to the person undergoing treatment during the last 5 days should be alert to the appearance of symptoms, as well as inform the doctor, as it can be It is recommended to make an injection of diphtheria antitoxin to try to avoid infection.

Generally, after antibiotic use begins, the disease is no longer transmissible within 48 hours, as the bacterial load is very low and does not pass on to other people.

Check which symptoms may indicate a diphtheria infection.

Possible complications

Because it is a relatively serious infection, when treatment is not started in time or when it is done in the wrong way, diphtheria can cause various health complications, such as:

  • Severe infection of the heart muscle; Severe difficulty in breathing; Vision changes.

In rarer cases, other complications such as pneumonia, kidney failure and even brain problems can also occur.

So, whenever the first symptoms appear that lead to the suspicion of diphtheria, it is very important to go to the hospital to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.

Signs of improvement

Signs of improvement usually appear 24 to 48 hours after starting treatment and include a decrease in fever, relief of sore throat and improvement in general condition.

Signs of worsening

The signs of worsening are more frequent when treatment is not started and, therefore, the first complications start to appear, which usually manifest with very high fever, above 39ÂșC, difficulty breathing, chest pain, fainting and changes of vision, for example.

How is diphtheria treated