Home Symptoms How is the treatment of infectious erythema ("slap disease")

How is the treatment of infectious erythema ("slap disease")


There is no specific medication to fight the virus that causes infectious erythema, also popularly known as slap disease, and therefore the treatment plan aims to relieve symptoms such as redness in the cheeks, fever and malaise, until the body can eliminate the virus.

Thus, treatment, which should be prescribed by a pediatrician or dermatologist, usually involves rest and the ingestion of:

  • Antihistamines, to reduce the redness of the cheeks and other parts of the body such as the back, arms, torso, thighs and buttocks; Antipyretic remedies to control fever; Painkillers to relieve pain and general malaise.

The red spots on the cheek usually appear between 2 and 7 days after contact with the virus, parvovirus B19, and usually regress in 1 to 4 days until they disappear, with the period of greatest risk of contagion of the disease being before the appearance of stains.

When reddish spots appear on the skin, there is no longer a risk of transmitting the disease, but it is advisable to stay at home for the first 3 days of symptoms such as malaise and fever. Even if the spots on the skin have not yet completely disappeared, it is advisable to return to daycare, school or work.

Check out the symptoms that can help identify a case of infectious erythema.

What care should be taken during treatment

Since this disease is more common in children, it is very important that in addition to the treatment recommended by the doctor, adequate hydration is maintained, since fever can cause water loss.

Therefore, it is recommended to regularly offer water, coconut water or natural juices to the child, in order to maintain adequate water levels.

In addition, as it is a contagious disease, which can be transmitted by saliva and pulmonary secretions, it is important:

  • Wash your hands regularly; Avoid sneezing or coughing without covering your mouth; Avoid sharing objects that come into contact with your mouth.

After the appearance of spots on the skin, the risk of contagion is much lower, however, this type of measures must be maintained to ensure that there is no transmission.

Signs of improvement

The signs of improvement of this infection appear about 3 to 4 days after the appearance of the spots and include a decrease in fever, disappearance of red spots and greater disposition.

Signs of worsening

There is usually no worsening of the condition, since the virus is eliminated by the body, however, if a very high fever, above 39ºC or if the child is very still, it is important to go back to the doctor to reassess the case.

How is the treatment of infectious erythema ("slap disease")