Home Symptoms How to treat chickenpox in adults and children

How to treat chickenpox in adults and children


The treatment for chicken pox lasts from 7 to 15 days, can be recommended by a general practitioner or pediatrician, in the case of childhood chicken pox, and consists mainly of the use of antiallergic drugs, to relieve the symptoms of itchy skin blisters and remedies to lower fever, such as paracetamol or sodium dipyrone.

It is also important to take some precautions such as avoiding scratching the blisters on the skin with your nails, so as not to cause skin sores or cause an infection. quickly.

In addition, in people with weakened immune systems, as in the case of HIV or who are undergoing chemotherapy, or very young children and pregnant women, the doctor will indicate the use of the acyclovir antiviral medication in the first 24 hours after the start of the symptoms. During treatment it is important not to go to work or to go to school, to avoid contaminating other people. Then, treatment for chicken pox can be done with:

1. Use of medicines

The use of medicines for the treatment of chicken pox must be indicated by a general practitioner or pediatrician and serves to reduce the symptoms caused by the disease. Antiallergics, such as Polaramine, can be indicated to relieve itchy blisters on the skin and pain relievers can be recommended to lower fever in the first few days.

In people with low immunity, who have HIV or who are undergoing chemotherapy, pregnant women and premature children, treatment with acyclovir should be started within the first 24 hours after the appearance of blisters on the skin. Depending on the person's health, it may be necessary to do acyclovir directly into the vein for better absorption into the body.

Medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid should not be used in case of chicken pox, as it can worsen the disease and cause other health problems. Also, if the doctor finds that the skin has any other bacterial infections, he may recommend the use of antibiotics.

2. Natural treatment

The natural treatment for chicken pox is based on simple measures that can be done at home and that help to relieve the symptoms of the disease and can include:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, tea or coconut water, for example; Take 2 to 3 baths with warm water and potassium permanganate or oats; Cut your nails, avoiding causing skin wounds; Avoid very hot, salty or acidic foods, in the case of blisters in the mouth or throat; wear loose, cotton clothing to prevent sweating.

These precautions can also be used in the treatment of chickenpox in the baby, and in addition to these precautions, it is important to clean the surfaces and objects that came into contact with the sick child, as the transmission of chickenpox to the parents, through the air, can occur. direct contact with the skin or through the sharing of clothes or objects contaminated by the secretions of the chicken pox blisters. See how best not to catch chicken pox from your child.

3. Ointments

The use of ointments should be done only with the recommendation of the doctor, as not all types of ointments help to heal the blisters of chicken pox. If the skin sores itch a lot, the doctor may prescribe ointments based on corticosteroids, such as betamethasone, for example.

However, some options of homemade ointments are indicated to relieve itching and facilitate the healing of chicken pox blisters, such as using talc or water paste or making compresses and baths with potassium permanganate (1: 40, 000) or 2% boric acid water, many times a day. Check out more what potassium permanganate is for.

4. Homeopathy remedies

Treatment for chickenpox with homeopathy helps to reduce the discomfort caused by the various symptoms of chickenpox and, therefore, can be done with:

  • Rhus Toxicodendron 6c: used to reduce itching; Belladonna 6c: recommended in cases of fever and aching body; Rinse 6c: recommended to relieve severe itching; Brionia 30c: used to treat dry cough and high fever.

Homeopathic remedies must be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor, since each person needs different remedies, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Treatment for childhood chickenpox

Treatment for childhood chickenpox consists of relieving the symptoms of the disease, as the child's own immune system has ways of fighting the disease. The symptoms of chickenpox in children can be relieved with the use of medications, recommended by the pediatrician, such as paracetamol, to reduce pain, an antihistamine syrup to relieve itching and water paste or a healing ointment to help heal the symptoms. chicken pox blisters.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, or aspirin drugs should be avoided in treatment for childhood chickenpox, as they can aggravate symptoms and cause other health problems.

Possible complications

One of the most common complications of chicken pox is the infection of blisters on the skin, which can happen when the adult or child removes the "cone" of chicken pox and bacteria enter the region, which can lead to the appearance of abscess or impetigo. Learn more about impetigo and what the symptoms are.

In some cases, as in people with low immunity, newborn babies and pregnant women, chicken pox should be treated according to the doctor's instructions, because if not treated it can cause complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to signs of worsening such as fever above 38.9 ° C for more than 4 days in a row, severe cough, stiff neck, difficulty breathing or severe vomiting.

How to treat chickenpox in adults and children