Home Bulls How to know if it is oral candidiasis

How to know if it is oral candidiasis


Oral candidiasis is an infection caused by the excess of Candida albicans fungus in the mouth, which usually causes infection in babies, due to their undeveloped immunity, or in adults with weakened immune systems due to the flu, chronic diseases or HIV, for example.

Despite living on the skin, it is possible to catch someone else's candidiasis through kissing and intimate contact. This infection is curable and its treatment is done with mouthwashes, antifungals and correct oral hygiene, and should be guided by a general practitioner or dentist.

Candidiasis inside the mouth

Candidiasis in the baby

How it is transmitted

Despite being a fungus that already inhabits the skin naturally, and causes injuries only when immunity falls, candidiasis infection can also be transmitted from one person to another, through kisses or unprotected intimate contact.

Thus, this infection is also more common in people with weakened immune systems or at risk for the growth of fungi, such as the use of dental prosthesis, poor oral hygiene or excessive sugar intake, for example.

Symptoms of oral candidiasis are the appearance of lumps or thrush on the tongue or cheek, whitish plaques in the mouth, tongue and throat and burning in the mouth. When the infection is more severe and reaches the esophagus, it can cause pain and difficulty swallowing.

In infants, candidiasis infection appears due to the poorly developed immune system, in the form of white plaques on the tongue. Learn how to cure candidiasis in the baby.

How the treatment is done

In adults, treatment for oral candidiasis should be guided by a general practitioner or a dentist, and can be done at home with the application of antifungals in the form of gel, liquid or mouthwash, such as nystatin, for 5 to 7 days.

In addition, during treatment it is important to take some precautions, such as:

  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day with a toothbrush with soft bristles; Avoid eating fatty or sugary foods, such as cakes, sweets, cookies or candies; Wash your mouth after eating or use medicine by mouth, such as nasal spray or syrup.

A great home treatment for candidiasis is pennyroyal tea, because it has properties that reduce the proliferation of fungi and help to speed up the fight against infection. Learn more about natural treatment for forms of candidiasis infection at: Candidiasis home remedies.

In the most severe cases, treatment for oral candidiasis can be done with the intake of oral antifungal remedies, such as Fluconazole, for up to 14 days or as directed by the doctor.

In baby and child oral candidiasis, also known as thrush, the treatment can be done by placing an antifungal in the form of liquid, cream or gel, such as nystatin or miconazole, under the indication of the pediatrician.

What to eat in candidiasis

During candidiasis it is advisable not to eat anything with sugar, even if it is a source of refined carbohydrates, such as bread, biscuits and cakes, for example. At this stage, foods such as lemon, parsley and ginger should be preferred because they help to cure candida proliferation faster. See the tips from nutritionist Tatiana Zanin to know the best foods to cure candidiasis and prevent it from coming back:

Despite this video focusing more on vaginal and penile candidiasis, all the tips also apply in the case of candidiasis in the mouth or in any other region of the body.

How to know if it is oral candidiasis