Home Symptoms How to identify the symptoms of cold sores

How to identify the symptoms of cold sores


Before the herpes manifests itself in the form of a wound, a tingling, numbness, burning, swelling, discomfort or an itching begins to be felt in the area. These sensations can last for several hours or up to 3 days before the vesicles appear.

As soon as these first symptoms appear, it is advisable to apply a cream or ointment with antiviral, so that the treatment is faster and the size of the vesicles does not increase much in size.

When rashes start to appear, they are surrounded by a reddish border, appearing more frequently inside and around the mouth and lips.

The vesicles can be painful and form agglomerates, with liquid, which merge, becoming a single affected region, which after a few days begin to dry, forming a thin, yellowish crust of shallow ulcers, which usually falls off without leaving a scar. However, the skin can crack and cause pain when eating, drinking or talking.

After the vesicles appear, the treatment takes about 10 days to complete. However, when the herpes rash is located in moist areas of the body, they take longer to heal.

It is still unclear what causes herpes to appear, but it is thought that certain stimuli can reactivate the virus that returns to epithelial cells, such as fever, menstruation, sun exposure, fatigue, stress, dental treatments, some type of trauma, cold and factors that depress the immune system.

Herpes can be transmitted to other people through direct contact or infected objects.

Learn how to prevent the onset of herpes and how treatment is done.

How to identify the symptoms of cold sores