Home Symptoms Contagion and how to protect yourself from bacterial meningitis

Contagion and how to protect yourself from bacterial meningitis


Bacterial meningitis is a serious infection that can lead to deafness and brain changes, such as epilepsy. It can be transmitted from one person to another through droplets of saliva when talking, eating or kissing, for example.

Bacterial meningitis is a disease caused by bacteria, usually Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Haemophilus influenzae, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, fever and lack of appetite, vomiting and the presence of red spots on the skin. skin. Learn how to identify bacterial meningitis.

How to protect yourself from bacterial meningitis

The best way to prevent against this type of meningitis is through the DTP + Hib vaccine (tetravalent) or Vaccine against H. influenzae type b - Hib, according to medical advice. However, this vaccine is not 100% effective and also does not protect against all types of meningitis. See which vaccines protect against meningitis.

If a close family member has meningitis the doctor may recommend that you also take antibiotics such as Rifampicin for 2 or 4 days to protect yourself from the disease. This medication is also recommended to protect the pregnant woman when someone living in the same house as she was diagnosed with the disease.

Some measures to prevent bacterial meningitis are:

  • Wash your hands frequently, using soap and water, especially after eating, using the bathroom or blowing your nose; Avoid being in contact with patients infected with meningitis for a long time, not touching saliva or respiratory secretions that may be in tissues, for example; Do not share objects and food, avoiding the infected person's cutlery, plates or lipsticks; Boil all foods, as the bacteria responsible for meningitis are eliminated at temperatures above 74ÂșC; Place your forearm in front of your mouth whenever you cough or sneeze; Wear a mask whenever it is necessary to be in contact with an infected patient; Avoid frequenting closed places with many people, such as shopping malls, cinemas or markets, for example.

In addition, it is recommended to keep the immune system strengthened by having a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough rest. A good tip for strengthening the immune system is to drink echinacea tea every day. This tea can be purchased at health food stores, pharmacies and some supermarkets. See how echinacea tea is made.

Who is most at risk of getting meningitis

The risk of getting bacterial meningitis is greater in babies, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, such as patients with HIV or who are undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy, for example.

Thus, whenever there is a suspicion that someone may be infected with meningitis, it is recommended to go to the hospital to have a blood or secretion test, to detect the disease and start treatment with antibiotics in the vein, such as Amoxicillin, preventing the development of bacterial meningitis. See who is most at risk for meningitis.

Contagion and how to protect yourself from bacterial meningitis