Home Symptoms Treatments for scar adhesion

Treatments for scar adhesion


To remove the scar from the skin, increasing its flexibility, you can massage or resort to aesthetic treatments, with the use of braces.

Small scars caused by chicken pox, a cut on the skin or minor surgery are easier to resolve, but it is also possible to improve the appearance of larger or older scars.

Massage to remove the scar

What you can do at home to loosen the scar's adhesion is to massage the area with a little bit of cicatricure, almond oil or rosehip, for example, with movements:

  • Circular, from one side to the other, up and down; pressing the skin in the opposite direction and also in the same direction eThe scissor movement that consists of displacing the scar in opposite directions.

This massage can be performed twice a week but it should not cause pain, as the goal is not to reopen the scar. However, it is normal for the area to become a little red after the massage. Every day it should be possible to observe that the scar is more malleable, looser and more elastic.

See how to do this massage other important care in this video:

Aesthetic treatments to loosen scar

The best equipment is ultrasound and radio frequency, but treatments with carboxitherapy, microneedling or subcision surgery can also be used. Equipment such as lasers are also good options for removing redness, while injections of corticosteroids on top of the scar or botox around it.

When the scar is already old and is stuck to the skin, it is not always possible to loosen the points of fibrosis with massage, being necessary to resort to treatments with the use of heat to increase the flexibility of the collagen.

The physiotherapist will evaluate the scar, its height, color, shape and how much it is adhered to, indicating the time needed for treatment, which may vary from one person to another. However, the most common is that at least 10 physiotherapy sessions are needed to make the scar thin and the same color as the skin.

Because the scar is glued

Scar adhesion is when the tissue under and around the scar is 'glued', making it difficult to move it from side to side. This is because during healing the body produces a lot of collagen and fibrotic tissues in a disordered way.

The tissue that forms the scar is slightly different from the rest of the skin, because the whole body has type 1 collagen that is more flexible, but in the case of the scar, there is formation of type 3 collagen, which is harder, thus forming fibrosis, which results from a disorderly growth of these fibers in the skin layers.

How to prevent the scar from sticking

Massaging the exact scar site and performing lymphatic drainage right after having undergone surgery are excellent strategies to ensure good healing, causing the fibers to regenerate in an organized manner.

Thus, as soon as the stitches are removed, if you notice that the scar is tightly closed, it is recommended to moisturize your skin with moisturizing cream and you can massage it as follows:

  • Place the index and middle fingers around the scar, and bring them together which will join the edges of the scar, avoiding its opening; Next, keep this 'tweezers', holding the scar; Move the skin and the muscle from side to side, along the entire length of the scar.

In a physiotherapy clinic, a treatment with red light can be performed, which helps the healing of tissues in an orderly way, because the collagen fibers follow exactly the direction of the light, promoting a more organized tissue, thus preventing the formation of fibrosis, which is when the scar is glued.

Treatments for scar adhesion