Home Symptoms Treatment for erysipelas

Treatment for erysipelas


The treatment of erysipelas can be carried out using antibiotics in the form of pills, syrups or injections prescribed by the doctor, for about 10 to 14 days, in addition to care such as rest and elevation of the affected limb to help deflate the region.

When erysipelas is not severe, treatment can be done at home, but there are situations in which hospitalization is necessary with antibiotics applied directly to the vein, as in cases of very large lesions or that affect sensitive areas, such as the face, for example.

Erysipelas is a skin infection that causes red, inflamed and painful lesions that can develop blisters and purplish areas, most commonly caused by a bacterium called Streptcoccus pyogenes . Despite being more frequent in people over 50 years of age and obese, erysipelas can affect anyone, especially when there is a chronic swelling or presence of skin wounds. Learn more about what causes it and how to identify erysipelas.

Antibiotics for Erysipelas

The treatment for erysipelas lasts about 10 to 14 days, and antibiotics that can be prescribed by the doctor include:

  • Penicillins; Amoxicillin; Cefazolin; Cephalexin; Ceftriaxone; Oxacillin.

For those who are allergic to Penicillin, the doctor may indicate other options such as Erythromycin, Clarithromycin or Clindamycin.

It is very important to follow the treatment strictly to avoid the appearance of complications, such as chronic lymphedema or recurrent erysipelas.

Ointment for erysipelas

In case of bullous erysipelas, in which a moist lesion is formed, with bubbles and transparent content, topical anti-microbial treatment, such as 2% fusidic acid, or 1% argic sulfadiazine, may be associated.

When it is necessary to stay in the hospital

There are situations that can become more serious and represent a risk to the person's health, and in these cases, it is recommended that the patient remains hospitalized, with the use of antibiotics in the vein, and more careful monitoring. The situations that indicate hospitalization are:

  • Elderly; Presence of serious lesions, with blisters, areas of necrosis, bleeding or loss of sensation; Presence of signs and symptoms that indicate the severity of the disease, such as drop in blood pressure, mental confusion, agitation or decrease in the amount of urine; Presence other serious diseases, such as heart failure, compromised immunity, decompensated diabetes, liver failure or advanced lung diseases, for example.

In these cases, antibiotics are indicated that can be applied in the vein and, in some cases, with greater potency, such as Cefazolin, Teicoplanina or Vancomicina, for example, which are indicated by the doctor depending on the need of each patient.

Home treatment options

During the treatment of erysipelas, some attitudes that can assist in recovery include staying with the affected limb elevated, which facilitates venous return and reduces swelling.

It is also recommended to remain at rest during recovery, keep well hydrated and keep the edges of the lesion clean and dry. Homemade ointments or other substances not indicated by the doctor should be avoided in the region, as they can hinder the treatment and even worsen the injury.

How to prevent Erysipelas

To prevent erysipelas, it is necessary to reduce or treat conditions that increase your risk, such as losing weight in case of obesity and treating diseases that cause chronic swelling of the limbs, such as heart failure or venous insufficiency. If skin wounds appear, keep them clean and dry to avoid contamination with bacteria.

For people who have erysipelas that appear repeatedly, the doctor may recommend the use of antibiotics to prevent new infections, with Penicillin or Erythromycin, for example.

Treatment for erysipelas