Home Symptoms Home treatment for swine flu

Home treatment for swine flu


The treatment of swine flu, also known as influenza A or H1N1, is mainly aimed at relieving symptoms and helping the body to recover faster, as this disease can cause serious complications such as pneumonia and death.

The ideal is to go to the doctor to be evaluated and to start the appropriate treatment quickly, which usually involves the use of medication and care at home, such as drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration, rest and avoid contact with other people, so as not to transmit the disease.

Pharmacy remedies

In general, healthy adults usually recover naturally from swine flu, but the doctor may recommend the use of medicines such as Tamiflu and Relenza, which help fight the virus, relieve the symptoms of the disease and prevent complications.

Ideally, these drugs should be taken up to 48 hours after the first symptoms appear, but they will also help with recovery even when taken after this period.

In addition, medications such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen can also be used to reduce fever and relieve symptoms of headache and body pain, remembering that Aspirin is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18, due to the risk of the Syndrome of Reye.

Natural Remedies

Some medicinal plants can be used to relieve flu symptoms, as shown in the following table:

Property Plants How to use
Strengthen the immune system Equinacia 1 col. tea for every cup of water
Garlic 1 tooth for each cup of water
Improve breathing Eucalyptus 1 col. soup for every cup of water
Propolis Add 5 drops of the extract to the eucalyptus tea
Relieve nausea and vomiting Ginger 1 col. soup for every 500 ml of water
Macela 1 col. soup for every cup of water
Relieve headache Chamomile 1 col. soup for every cup of water
Boldo 1 col. soup for every cup of water

These teas should be taken 2 to 3 times a day, it is also important to rest and drink plenty of fluids to help relieve symptoms and prevent dehydration of the body.

See how to prepare honey tea with lemon, echinacea or elderberry tea with linden for the flu watching the video:


When not treated properly, swine flu can cause complications such as:

  • Worsening of diseases such as asthma and diabetes; Pneumonia; Mental confusion and seizures; Difficulty breathing.

However, these complications usually happen mainly in children under 5, the elderly, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems, as in the case of diabetes, asthma, AIDS and cancer treatment.

To get the right treatment, see how to differentiate the symptoms of common flu, swine flu and Zika.

In addition, food is also very important to ensure correct recovery, so see what foods you should eat to heal faster:

Home treatment for swine flu