Home Bulls Homemade cream to lose belly

Homemade cream to lose belly


The creams to lose the belly usually contain in their composition substances capable of activating the blood circulation and, thus, stimulate the process of burning localized fat. However, the cream alone does not work miracles. You need to practice regular physical activities and have a balanced diet for the weight loss process to be really effective.

Thus, creams, in addition to being composed of substances that activate blood circulation, also have in their composition substances that improve the appearance of the skin, reducing sagging and remodeling the body.

In order for the creams to have the desired effect, in addition to having an adequate diet and exercising regularly, they must be applied to dry skin, preferably after bathing, as the skin is more receptive to the penetration of active substances than cream, and apply the product in a circular motion. In addition, it is recommended that the person exfoliates the skin at least once a week to stimulate cell renewal, leaving the skin looking healthy.

How to enhance the effects of the cream?

The creams to lose the belly can be found in beauty stores, but its use alone does not have many effects related to weight loss. It is necessary to have some attitudes in order to achieve the objective, such as:

  1. Regular practice of physical activities: Exercises are essential not only for weight loss, but also for health. The regular practice of physical activities stimulates fat loss, decreases sagging and increases the feeling of well-being. Check out some exercises to lose belly; Adequate nutrition : A balanced diet is important so that the person has enough energy to perform the exercises and can lose weight more naturally. See how to make a healthy diet to lose weight; Self- massage : Self- massage to lose the belly can be very effective, as it mobilizes the fatty tissue and drains the accumulated liquid in the belly, reducing sagging and promoting well-being. Learn how to self-massage to lose belly.

It is also possible to combine the diet and the use of creams with the consumption of teas, as they are able to detoxify the body and deflate the belly. See some options of homemade teas to lose belly.

Homemade cream with green clay

An option of homemade cream to lose the belly is made with green clay, which can be found in health food stores or cosmetics. Green clay is rich in minerals, being able to activate blood circulation, stimulate cell renewal, promote skin detoxification and remineralization.

Thus, the homemade cream with green clay can be used both to lose the belly, as well as to soften stretch marks, treat acne and fight cellulite, and can be used on the entire body. Know other types of clay.


  • 1 sheet of colorless gelatin; 1 cup of warm water; 200 g of green clay; Cold water.

Method of preparation

To make the homemade cream to lose the belly you first need to moisturize the colorless gelatin sheet with warm water. Then put the green clay, mix and leave in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Then, mix the blender or a mixer with the mixture and add the cold water little by little until it has a consistency similar to the moisturizer.

This cream should be applied in circular movements on the belly or in regions where you want to lose measurements, at least once a week, and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Homemade cream to lose belly