Home Bulls Baby mouth care

Baby mouth care


Care for the baby's mouth should start right after birth and not only when the first teeth are born, because when sweetening the baby's pacifier or giving him milk before he goes to sleep, without cleaning the baby's mouth, he can develop bottle caries.

So, it is very important for parents to take care of the baby's mouth every day, after meals, but mainly after the evening meal, before the baby goes to sleep, and if they see opaque white spots on the baby's teeth, they should take you to the dentist immediately, as these stains can be the beginning of caries.

How to clean baby's mouth

The baby's mouth should be cleaned with gauze or cloth soaked in filtered water. Parents should pass the gauze or cloth over the gums, cheeks and tongue, in front and behind, in circular movements until the birth of the first teeth.

Another option is to use your own silicone finger, from Beb Confort, for example, which can also be used when the first teeth appear, however, it can only be used after 3 months of age.

Learn how to brush your baby's teeth after the first teeth appear at: How to brush your baby's teeth.

Clean baby's mouth with wet cloth

Clean baby's mouth with finger

To learn more about the appearance of the first teeth see:

Baby mouth care