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Low weight baby care


In order to care for a baby with low weight, it is important to feed him correctly and maintain his body temperature stable since, normally, he is a more fragile baby, who is at greater risk of developing respiratory problems, having infections or cooling easily, for example.

Generally, the low weight baby, also known as a small baby for gestational age, is born with less than 2.5 kg and, although he is less active, can be stroked or held like other normal weight babies.

How to feed the low weight baby

Breastfeeding is the best way to feed the baby, and the baby should be allowed to breastfeed as often as he feels like. However, if the baby sleeps more than three hours in a row, you should wake him up and breastfeed, to prevent hypoglycemia, which is when the amount of blood sugar is low, manifested by signs such as tremors, apathy and even seizures..

Normally, low weight babies have more difficulty in breastfeeding, however, it should be encouraged to breastfeed, avoiding whenever possible to resort to artificial milk. However, if the baby does not gain enough weight with only breast milk, the pediatrician may indicate that, after breastfeeding, the mother gives a supplement of powdered milk to ensure adequate intake of nutrients and calories.

See how to feed the underweight baby at: Feeding the underweight baby.

How to tell if your baby is getting fat

To find out if the baby is gaining weight properly, it is advisable to weigh it at least once a week at the pediatrician, ideally increasing it by 150 grams per week.

In addition, other signs that indicate that the underweight baby is gaining weight correctly include urinating 6 to 8 times a day and pooping at least 1 time a day.

Low weight baby care