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7 Daily eye care


With the constant use of smartphones, tablets, computers or consoles that force the eyes to remain focused at the same distance for long periods of time, which ends up causing dry eye syndrome, eye fatigue and headaches.

Daily eye care is essential to protect your eyesight, as it favors not only your protection, but also the relaxation and hydration of your eyes, even reducing the risk of having to wear glasses.

Daily Eye Care

So, some essential cares that protect and help maintain eye health include:

1. Wear quality sunglasses

Sunglasses are essential to protect your vision on sunny days, preventing the development of eye diseases, while providing greater visual comfort. Therefore, to maintain eye health the use of sunglasses outdoors is essential, and it is necessary to ensure that the glasses used offer protection against UVA, UVB and UVC rays. Discover all the benefits of sunglasses in 7 reasons to choose Polarized Sunglasses.

2. Don't sleep with makeup on

Eye hygiene is very important for eye health, it is important to keep your eyes clean, especially at the end of the day or before going to sleep, as otherwise cosmetic particles may enter your eyes which can cause irritation. Therefore, always keep your eyes free of makeup residues, creams or other solutions.

In addition, before touching the eyes, always wash your hands to avoid irritation or unwanted infections such as conjunctivitis and avoid environments with a lot of dust and smoke, preferring well ventilated or outdoors.

3. Do not use eye drops without medical advice

Eye drops are considered to be medicines and therefore should not be used without medical supervision, as like all remedies these also have specific indications and contraindications. In addition, its use without medical advice, although it can alleviate the symptoms presented, may not be treating the disease, thus masking the symptoms.

4. Conduct periodic consultations

Periodic consultations with the Ophthalmologist are very important to ensure eye health, being especially important to detect diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma in advance. The ideal is to perform routine consultations once a year, to ensure a good monitoring of visual health.

5. Look away

Making stops to look away for a few minutes is an especially important exercise for those working at the computer, as it helps to relax the eyes, preventing the onset of headaches. This exercise must be performed once every hour and consists of stopping, looking away and focusing on a specific distant point, which is located at least 40 m away.

6. Close your eyes several times a day

Stopping what you are doing and closing your eyes for a few seconds is another important exercise, which helps to relax your eyes, since when they are closed they do not need to focus on anything, thus preventing eye strain and other problems such as headaches.

In addition, blinking your eyes several times while focusing on your computer or tablet screen is also very important to ensure that your eyes stay hydrated. This small concern helps to prevent dryness of the eye, thus helping to prevent the emergence of more serious problems such as dry eye syndrome.

7. Don't wear someone else's glasses

Eyeglasses are an individual tool that should not be borrowed or passed on to other people, as each person needs their own degree, which must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. In addition, they should not be used because although they do not worsen vision, they end up causing eye and head pain or dizziness.

In addition, buying glasses at street vendors is also not a good option, as the degree they have may not be the correct one, which ends up tiring the eyes because they need to make a greater effort to focus.

Food can also help protect your eyes, as some nutrients, such as vitamin A, E and omega-3, are essential for maintaining eye health and preventing diseases and vision problems such as dry eye syndrome, glaucoma and macular degeneration. Find out which foods protect your eyes here.

7 Daily eye care