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Black skin care


For the individual with black skin to keep the skin of the body and face healthy, avoiding problems such as acne or peeling, for example, they must know their skin type, which can be dry, oily or mixed, and thus adapt to the type the products to be used.

Generally, black skin care must be maintained in both summer and winter, as both heat and cold can affect the individual's black skin.

Some cares for the black skin of men and women include:

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water at least 1 day a day to remove impurities; Moisturize the skin on your face and body by applying moisturizer every day; Exfoliate your face and body once a week to remove dead cells; Moisturize elbows and knees with grape oil, almonds or macadamia, as these areas tend to get drier than the rest of the places; Drink at least 1.5L of water a day, as it helps to hydrate the skin; Avoid alcoholic beverages, because dries the skin a lot; Avoid the consumption of tobacco, as it ages the skin.

In addition to these precautions, the individual with black skin should avoid sun exposure in the hottest hours, between 11 am and 4 pm, by applying sunscreen with a protection factor 15, to protect from the sun's rays, as individuals with black skin may also develop skin cancer.

Female Skin Care

Women with black skin should wash and moisturize their skin daily, but in addition to these precautions, they should:

  • Remove makeup every day with an alcohol-free product, to prevent the skin from drying out; Avoid sleeping in makeup because it does not allow the skin to breathe; Apply lip balm every day so they don't get cracked.

These cares help to prevent the aging of the woman's skin, contributing for the woman to remain with a young skin.

Male skin care

Daily the man with black skin must wash and moisturize the skin of the face and body. However, the man must be especially careful with the skin of the face on the days he shaves, and must apply a hydrating cream without alcohol, as the skin becomes more sensitive.

Black skin care