Home Bulls Daunorubicin



Daunorubicin is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Daunoblastine.

This medicine for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of cancer in the blood, since its action tries to prevent the cancer cells from taking over the other organs through the bloodstream.

Daunorubicin Indications

Lymphocytic leukemia; acute non-lymphocytic leukemia.

Daunorubicin Price

The prices of drugs that have Daunorubicin as an active substance can vary from 83 to 351 reais.

Side Effects of Daunorubicin

Nausea; vomiting; irreversible hair loss; cellulitis; peeling of the skin.

Contraindications for Daunorubicin

Pregnancy risk D; lactating women; serious infection; risk of life as a result of myelosuppression; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Daunorubicin

Injectable Use


  • Daunorubicin Powder 20 mg: The drug can be diluted in sodium chloride with a volume of 10 to 15 ml and applied for 2 to 3 minutes, via direct intravenous.