Home Bulls Deca mass

Deca mass


Deca Mass is a food supplement indicated for those who want to increase strength and muscle mass in a healthy way.

This supplement is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals essential for the body leaving the individual with more energy and disposition for daily activities. For best results, it is important to combine the use of this supplement with the practice of physical activities and a balanced diet.

Indications of Deca Mass

Increase muscle strength; increase body mass; tone your muscles; lack of vitamins, proteins and minerals.

Deca Mass Price

The 1.5 kg Deca Mass box costs approximately 31 reais.

Side effects of Deca Mass

No side effects were found.

Contraindications to Deca Mass

Pregnant or lactating women; seniors; children; gluten intolerant individuals; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Deca Mass

Oral use


  • Dilute 8 scoops of the supplement in 250 ml of skimmed milk, juice or yogurt. Consume this shake 2 times a day and preferably after physical activity.
Deca mass