Home Symptoms Different types of headache, symptoms and their causes

Different types of headache, symptoms and their causes


There are different types of headache that can occur for different causes and in different regions of the head. Some types of headache may also be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the cause that causes it.

The treatment depends on the type of headache and usually consists of the administration of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that solve the cause of headache, as is the case of sinusitis, for example.

1. Tension headache

This is a type of headache caused by stiff muscles in the neck, back or scalp, which can be caused by poor posture, stress, anxiety or poor position during sleep.

The most common symptoms of tension headache are mild to moderate pain, in the form of pressure, as if you have a helmet on your head, which affects both sides of the neck or forehead and excessive sensitivity in the shoulders, neck and scalp and in the light and to noise. The tension headache does not cause nausea or worsen with physical activity. Learn more about tension headache.

What to do

To relieve tension headaches, one should try to relax by massaging the scalp, taking a hot shower or doing some activity, for example. If this does not work, it may be necessary to take painkillers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, for example.

2. Migraine

Migraine is characterized by an intense and pulsating headache, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sensitivity to sunlight.

This type of headache can have a moderate to severe intensity and can last from a few minutes to hours, and in some cases, can last for 72 hours. It usually focuses more on one side of the head and the symptoms can be disabling or worsen, which can impair vision and cause sensitivity to certain smells and difficulty concentrating. Learn how to recognize migraine symptoms.

What to do

The most used remedies to treat migraine are analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin, which help to relieve pain in some people and drugs that cause constriction of blood vessels and block pain, as is the case of triptans, like Zomig, Naramig or Sumax, for example.

For people who feel sick and vomit, they can take antiemetics like metoclopramide, for example. See other remedies that are used in migraines and that can even help prevent it.

3. Headache associated with sinusitis

Sinusitis is characterized by an inflammation of the sinuses, which most often causes headache or facial pain, which gets worse when the head is lowered or the person lies down.

In addition to the headache caused by sinusitis, other symptoms may appear, such as pain around the nose and around the eyes, runny and nasal congestion, cough, fever and bad breath.

What to do

To treat sinusitis and relieve headache, antihistamine remedies, such as loratadine or cetirizine, for example, decongestants such as phenylephrine and pain relievers such as paracetamol, for example, can be used.

If an infection develops, it may be necessary to take antibiotics. Learn more about how sinusitis is treated.

4. Cluster headache

Cluster headache is a rare disease, which is characterized by a very strong and piercing headache, stronger than migraine, which affects only one side of the face and the eye, and most often appears during sleep, interrupting it most of the time. The pain can be very intense and repeat several times throughout the day

Other symptoms that can arise during a seizure are runny nose, swelling of the eyelid and redness and watery eyes on the same side of the pain. See more about this disease.

What to do

Generally, the disease cannot be cured and treatments are not very effective, nor do they resolve crises, they only mitigate or shorten their duration. The most used remedies are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and strong painkillers, such as opioids and a 100% oxygen mask in times of crisis.

In addition to these types of headache, it can also arise due to causes such as hormonal changes, hypertension or head injuries.

Different types of headache, symptoms and their causes