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Treatment of varicose veins


The treatment of varicose veins can be done with various techniques with laser, foam, glucose or in the most severe cases, surgery, which are recommended according to the characteristics of the varix. In addition, the treatment includes some precautions, such as avoiding sitting or standing for a long time because this improves blood circulation in the body, reducing varicose veins and their symptoms.

In the case of reddish capillary veins, the treatment involves performing sclerotherapy, a technique done in an office where the doctor uses needles and chemicals to stop the blood flow in the vessels.

The main ways of treating varicose veins are:

1. Laser treatment

Laser treatment for the elimination of varicose veins, also called laser sclerotherapy, is very effective in treating small medium vessels that appear in the nose, cheeks, trunk and legs. Laser treatment does not cause much pain compared to other treatments, it is not an invasive procedure and guarantees good results, however, you may need to carry out a complementary treatment to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. After the laser, it is important to avoid exposure to the sun and use sunscreen to prevent the treated region from becoming stained. Understand how laser sclerotherapy is done.

2. Foam treatment

The treatment of varicose veins with foam, known as sclerotherapy with foam, is effective in small-caliber varicose veins, being more suitable for spider veins and microvarices. The foam is a mixture of carbon dioxide and a liquid, which together are applied directly to the varicose veins, closing the vein. The foam treatment is practically definitive and after the procedure it is recommended to use elastic compression stockings to improve circulation and decrease the chances of varicose veins to reappear. See how foam sclerotherapy is done.

3. Natural treatment

A good natural treatment for varicose veins is to take a horse chestnut pill, because this medicinal plant improves blood circulation, being a good option to complement the treatment indicated by the doctor. You can buy horse chestnut in pharmacies, compounding pharmacies and health food stores, but it should only be taken when directed by a doctor.

Another natural option for treating varicose veins is the use of herbal medicines, such as Novarrutina and Antistax, as they have substances capable of relieving pain and swelling of the legs with varicose veins. In addition, there are options for home remedies to treat varicose veins, such as grape juice and cabbage compress, for example. See 8 home remedies for varicose veins.

4. Surgery

Varicose vein surgery is indicated for the most severe cases, where the varicose veins are very thick, with more than 1 gauge finger, generating symptoms such as swelling in the legs, pain and itching, which can bring complications. Recovery from varicose vein surgery depends on the number and size of the veins that are removed. See how varicose vein surgery is performed.

How to guarantee treatment results

However, it is important to follow some important recommendations for the treatment to be effective, such as:

  • Wear elastic compression stockings daily, as they compress blood vessels, and should be placed on the legs upon waking up and removed to bathe and sleep. Compression elastic stockings can be found in pharmacies or in hospital supply stores, however, they must be used under medical guidance. Know what it is for and when to use compression stockings; Place a wedge at the foot of the bed, to improve blood circulation in the leg; Remedies for varicose veins, as they decrease fluid retention and improve venous return decreasing the chances of developing new varicose veins. These remedies must be prescribed and guided by the doctor.

In addition, it is recommended to practice some type of physical activity, as this way the blood is pumped more strongly and the cardiac capacity also improves, decreasing the incidence of varicose veins.

How to prevent varicose veins

To prevent varicose veins it is recommended to do regular physical exercises and accompanied by a professional, avoid being overweight, sit and lie down with your legs up and evaluate the possibility of not taking the birth control pill, for example.

In addition, it is recommended to avoid sitting or standing, standing too long, and avoid wearing high heels every day. Thus, it is possible to avoid the appearance of varicose veins or the return of old varicose veins.

Treatment of varicose veins