Home Symptoms How to relieve migraine pain with aura and how to prevent further attacks

How to relieve migraine pain with aura and how to prevent further attacks


There is no specific treatment for migraine with aura, however, there are several ways to relieve pain, which depend on the cause of the migraine and the intensity of the symptoms.

Thus, it is always recommended to consult a neurologist, or a general practitioner, to evaluate the best treatment.

Remedies for migraine pain work best when they start to be taken as soon as the first sign of pain appears, and can include:

  • Anti-inflammatories, such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen: prevent inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and also reduce the production of substances responsible for pain; Isometeptene, also known as Neosaldina: it is a remedy that prevents spasms in the head, relieving severe headache, such as migraine; Triptans, such as Sumatriptan or Rizatriptan: are usually the drugs with the best effect because they reduce the production of substances responsible for nerve pain; Opioids, such as Codeine: are used only in cases where treatment cannot be done with other drugs.

In most cases, migraine remedies are used in the form of pills, however, some also exist as a nasal spray, to have a faster effect.

These drugs should only be used during the crisis, as most can cause side effects when used for long periods of time. To avoid the appearance of a new crisis, one should choose other types of remedies that are safer for long-term use.

Remedies to prevent migraine attacks

The use of drugs to prevent future migraine attacks with aura are mainly used in cases where migraine appears more than 2 times a month and allow not only to reduce the frequency, but also to ensure that, when it appears, the crisis presents more symptoms. light.

Some of the drugs used to prevent migraine are:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants, such as Amitriptyline or Nortriptyline; High blood pressure medications, such as Propranolol, Atenolol or Metoprolol; Anticonvulsants, such as Valproate, Gabapentin or Topiramate.

In addition, the injection of botox into the muscles around the head can also help prevent migraine in some people and therefore may also be indicated for some patients.

Natural treatment options

In addition to drug treatment to relieve migraine pain or to prevent the onset of a crisis, it is very important to have good daily habits, such as sleeping at least 7 hours, avoiding stressful situations and exercising regularly.

However, eating can also help a lot to reduce headaches or prevent attacks, it is important to avoid foods that normally lead to the onset of a migraine, such as red wine, beer, onions, chocolate or processed meats, for example. In addition, supplementing with magnesium, vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 also appears to help the chances of having a migraine. Here are some tips from our nutritionist:

To complement this natural treatment, teas from some medicinal plants, such as Tanacetum parthenium leaves or Petasites hybridus root, can also be used.

See the recipe for other natural remedies that fight migraine.

How to relieve migraine pain with aura and how to prevent further attacks