Home Symptoms What is hyperlordosis and how to treat

What is hyperlordosis and how to treat


Hyperlordosis is a marked curvature of the spine, so that the butt is very "upturned" and this ends up causing pain in the neck and bottom of the back requiring treatment, which can be done with physical therapy, but the practice of physical activity can also help relieve pain and discomfort and correct posture.

Usually, lumbar hyperlordosis happens at the same time as the popular 'hunchback', globose abdomen and anteriorization of the head. Its causes include postural changes and also, hip dislocation, lumbar spine injury and progressive muscular dystrophy, for example. When the cause of hyperlordosis is postural, this is due to imbalances in the region, such as weakness of the rectus abdominis, buttocks and iliopsoas retraction.

By performing an x-ray exam the doctor can observe the severity of the hyperlordosis and indicate the degree that the person has and indicate the most suitable treatment, which may include physiotherapy and / or surgery sessions that, depending on the severity, may correct and cure hyperlordosis.

Can hyperlordosis cure?

Lumbar hyperlordosis of postural cause can be corrected with postural exercises, resistance, and manipulative techniques, achieving great results, however, when there are syndromes present or serious changes such as muscular dystrophy, it may be necessary to perform spinal surgery, which, although they may not eliminate completely hyperlordosis, can improve posture and bring the spine closer to its central axis. Thus, it can be said that lumbar hyperlordosis is not always curable, but the most common cases, which happen due to postural changes, can be cured.

How to treat hyperlordosis

Treatment for lumbar hyperlordosis should be done with physiotherapy sessions and physical exercises such as swimming or Pilates. In physiotherapy, several exercises should be performed that strengthen the weakened muscles, specifically the abdomen and stretches in the muscles that are "atrophied", stretching the spine.

Exercises that can be performed on the ground as in Pilates with or without equipment, or in water, in the case of hydrotherapy or hydro Pilates are a great option to improve the overall posture and correct the curvature of the spine. Spine mobilization and global postural reeducation exercises - RPG - can also be part of the treatment.

The RPG consists of postural exercises, where the physiotherapist positions the individual in a certain position and he must remain in it for a few minutes, without moving. This type of exercise is done stopped and promotes some pain during its performance, but it is essential for the realignment of the spine and other joints.

Exercises for hyperlordosis

The objectives of the exercises are mainly to strengthen the abdomen and glutes, also increasing the mobility of the spine. Some examples are:

1. Abdominal plank

To do the abdominal plank, just lie on your stomach on the floor and then support your body only on your toes and forearms, leaving your body suspended as shown in the following image, standing in that position for at least 1 minute, and as it gets easier, increase the time by 30 seconds.

2. Creepy cat vs. hustling cat

Stand in the position of 4 supports with your hands and knees on the floor and move your spine up and down. Completely bend the spine by contracting the abdomen, mobilizing all the spine's vertebrae upwards, from the cervical spine, to the lumbar spine, as if it were a creepy cat, and then you must make the opposite movement of the spine, as if you want to bring the spine closer from the floor, like a wild cat. Then return to the neutral starting position. Repeat 4 times.

3. Get on the bench with 1 leg at a time

Climb on a chair or bench, with only one leg at a time, as shown in the image, taking care to have a firm and solid support when climbing. Plastic chairs are not recommended as they are unstable and may break. The higher the chair, the greater the effort, so you can start with a lower bench. To make it easier, you can place your hands on your hips and remember to keep your back straight and always look straight ahead to keep your spine aligned.

4. Pelvic mobilization lying down

Lie on your back, bend your legs and force your spine back to keep your back flat on the floor. Perform this contraction for 30 seconds and then return to rest starts. Repeat 10 times.

It is necessary to carry out at least 12 weeks of treatment in order to evaluate the results, and traditional abdominal exercises are not recommended because they favor the increase of kyphosis, which is usually already accentuated in these individuals.

How to confirm if it is Hyperlordosis

The main sign of hyperlordosis in the lumbar spine is the large curvature in the bottom of the back that can be seen when the person is on the side. Other symptoms that may be present are:

  • Pain in the bottom of the backLying on the floor on your back and unable to stick your back on the floor; Weak, globose and anteriorized abdomen; Cellulite in the buttocks and the back of the legs due to decreased venous and lymphatic return.

Hyperlordosis can be identified through physical observation of the individual from the side, but exams such as panoramic x-rays where the lumbosacral angle is greater than 68ยบ and orthopedic tests can also be useful to identify the severity of this hyperlordosis and the need for treatment.

What is hyperlordosis and how to treat