Home Symptoms Capillary glycemia: what it is, how to measure it and reference values

Capillary glycemia: what it is, how to measure it and reference values


The capillary glycemia test is done with the objective of checking the blood sugar levels at a certain time of the day and for that, a glycemia device must be used to perform the analysis of a small drop of blood that is removed from the fingertip.

The measurement of capillary glycemia is more suitable for people who have hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes and diabetes, in which case it is recommended that the dosage be done before and after meals so that glucose levels can be controlled and thus can adjustments to the diet or changes in the dose of the medication should be made if necessary.

Although the dosage is more suitable before and after meals, the endocrinologist can recommend the dosage at other times of the day, such as before bed and as soon as you wake up, for example, as it is possible to check the body's behavior during periods of fasting, being important in the treatment of diabetic patients.

How to measure capillary blood glucose

Capillary glycemia is measured by means of a small amount of blood that is removed from the fingertip and analyzed by the glucometer, which is the name given to the equipment. In general, the measurement should be made as follows:

  1. Wash your hands and dry properly; Insert a test strip into the blood glucose meter; Prick your finger with the device's needle; Place the test strip against the drop of blood until the test strip reservoir is filled; Wait a few seconds until the blood glucose value appears on the device monitor.

To avoid sticking the same spot, you must change your finger with each new measurement of capillary blood glucose. The latest blood glucose devices can also measure blood sugar taken from the arm or thigh, for example. Some blood glucose devices may work differently, so it is important to read the manufacturer's instructions for use before using the device.

To avoid incorrect readings, it is important that the equipment is cleaned regularly and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, that the tapes are within the expiration date, that the glucometer is calibrated and that the amount of blood is sufficient to the analysis.

Blood glucose can also be measured by means of a small sensor that is attached to the arm and which constantly measures day and night. This sensor indicates the glycemia in real time, in the previous 8 hours and what is the tendency of the glycemic curve for the next moments, being this sensor very effective with regard to the control of diabetes and prevention of hypo and hyperglycemia.

Blood glucose reference values

After measuring capillary blood glucose, it is important to compare the result with the reference values:

Normal blood glucose Altered blood glucose Diabetes
In fasting Less than 99 mg / dl Between 100 and 125 mg / dl Greater than 126 mg / dl
2h after meals

Less than 200 mg / dl

More than 200 mg / dl

In the case of newborns, it is difficult for the test to be performed on an empty stomach, so it is recommended that the blood glucose levels of the newborn be between 50 and 80 mg / dL.

If the person does not have diabetes, but the blood glucose value is in the altered blood glucose or diabetes column, it is recommended to repeat the measurement the next day, and if the result persists, consult the endocrinologist to make the conclusive diagnosis. In the case where the person has diabetes and the blood glucose value remains at levels above 200 mg / dl, he should consult the doctor to adapt the treatment or take insulin according to the indicated doses.

In cases where blood glucose is below 70 mg / dl, you should have a glass of juice or a glass of water with sugar, for example. Know the treatment for low glucose.

How to lower glucose levels

Glucose levels can be controlled with simple changes in daily life, such as regular physical activity and a balanced diet low in foods that contain a lot of sugar. However, if glucose levels do not return to normal, the doctor may recommend the use of some medications, which should be consumed as directed. Here's how to lower blood sugar levels.

Capillary glycemia: what it is, how to measure it and reference values