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Baldness in women: how to identify and treat


The first signs of female pattern baldness are the lightening of color and the thinning of the hair on the top of the head, which is progressing to a decrease in the amount of hair and the appearance of regions without hair.

Female pattern baldness is usually hereditary, and can appear at any stage of life from puberty, but it is more common after the age of 40, when menopause approaches. Its treatment is usually done with the use of medications such as Spironolactone, which help regulate female hormones, which is the main cause of baldness in women.

First signs of female pattern baldness

The first signs of female pattern baldness are:

  • More intense hair loss than usual; Decreased hair thickness; Lightening of hair color; Decreased amount of hair in the center of the head; Appearance of regions without hair on the head.

Baldness in women occurs mainly due to genetic factors and hormonal changes, being more common in women in menopause or in women who have polycystic ovary syndrome.

More severe than normal hair loss

Decreased hair in the center of the head

How is the diagnosis of female pattern baldness

The diagnosis of female pattern baldness is made by the dermatologist through the assessment of hair loss and the presence of other factors such as irregular menstruation, seborrhea and the presence of hair on the face.

However, in some cases the doctor may order additional tests to confirm the diagnosis, such as dermatoscopy, in which he had the scalp through a special magnifying glass, the trichogram, which evaluates the hair in the microscope, and the biopsy of the scalp.

Treatment of baldness in women

The treatment of baldness in women involves care with diet, weight control, reduction of seborrhea and use of medications according to medical advice, which can be in tablets, such as Spironolactone, or topical, such as Minoxidil.

In general, 50 to 300 mg of Spironolactone should be taken daily and apply Minoxidil twice a day to the scalp, but these drugs should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

It is also necessary to wash your hair at least 3 times a week to avoid seborrhea, using suitable products with neutral pH and without salt, so as not to harm the scalp. Another tip is to massage your head with your fingertips or comb your hair daily for at least 10 minutes, as the smooth friction on the scalp increases the circulation of the region and improves the nutrition of the hair.

In addition, the diet should be rich in vitamins A, B12 and biotin, and minerals zinc and iron, which help in strengthening the hair and stimulate hair growth. These nutrients can be found mainly in meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, peanuts and nuts, and the nutritionist should be consulted to assess the need to take vitamin supplements.

Here are food tips that strengthen your hair and make your hair grow.

To learn more about baldness treatment, see also:

Baldness in women: how to identify and treat