Home Bulls What is growth hormone for and possible effects

What is growth hormone for and possible effects


Growth hormone, also known as somatotropin or just by the acronym GH, is a hormone naturally produced by the body that is essential for the development of children and adolescents, stimulating growth and regulating various body processes.

Generally, this hormone is produced by the pituitary in the brain, but it can also be developed in the laboratory in its synthetic form, which is often used in medicines prescribed by the pediatrician to treat growth and development problems.

However, this hormone is also often used by adults to try to prevent aging or to boost muscle mass, for example, but in this case it can have several side effects that end up obscuring the positive effects.

What is the hormone for

In its natural form, growth hormone is very important for causing the growth of boys and girls, so when it is lacking, its synthetic form can be used in medicines to stimulate the development of children with short stature or who suffer from any of the following conditions:

  • Turner syndrome; Prader-Willi syndrome; Chronic kidney disease; GH deficiency.

In addition, this hormone can also be used in babies born at an early gestational age, to stimulate organ maturation.

However, the synthetic form of GH can also be used in adults, and the approved uses include people with short bowel syndrome, pituitary tumors or diseases that can cause muscle fiber wear.

Check how the test is done to find out about GH levels.

Growth hormone in adults

Although the use of growth hormone is approved for the situations indicated above, this hormone is also often used for other purposes, especially to try to combat aging, improve performance and increase the amount of muscle mass. However, there are no studies that indicate benefit for these purposes, and it is even accompanied by several side effects.

How to use growth hormone

The hormone should only be used with the guidance and prescription of a doctor, and normally, it is done through a subcutaneous injection a day, at bedtime, or according to the doctor's instructions.

The length of treatment with growth hormone varies as needed, but in some cases it can be used from childhood to late adolescence.

Possible side effects

The side effects of using growth hormone are generally not seen in children. However, when administered to adults, the following side effects may occur:

  • Tingling; Muscle pain; Joint pain; Fluid retention; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Increased cholesterol levels; Increased insulin resistance in case of type 2 diabetes.

Very rarely, there may still be headache, increased intracranial pressure, hypertension and ringing in the ears.

The main side effect of growth hormone in children is the appearance of pain in the leg bones, which is known as growth pain.

Who should not use

Growth hormone should not be used in pregnant women or people with a history of cancer or benign intracranial tumor. In addition, the use of this type of hormone must be very well evaluated in cases of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, untreated hypothyroidism and psoriasis.

What is growth hormone for and possible effects