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How to identify and treat hpv in men


HPV in men does not always manifest symptoms, but when genital warts are present, they can appear on the penis or scrotum, for example, which does not mean that their absence is sufficient to say that the man does not have HPV.

Even if the man does not show any symptoms to the naked eye, he can transmit the HPV virus to his partners through intimate contact and, therefore, it is recommended to use a condom during vaginal, anal or oral sex.

As in women, HPV in men also has no definitive cure, because the virus is not always eliminated from the body. However, it is possible to control the symptoms of the infection through treatments indicated by a general practitioner or urologist.

HPV symptoms in men

Image of CDC - Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

The main symptom of HPV in men is the appearance of warts on the penis, scrotum, anus, mouth or throat, however, the symptoms are rare and therefore many men are unaware that they are infected with the virus. Thus, the best way to diagnose HPV in men is through tests such as peniscopy, performed by the urologist, in a doctor's office.

Although the man cannot see any moles on his genital region, if he is infected with HPV, he can transmit the virus to others during sexual contact.

How the treatment is done

When there are symptoms, it is important to treat HPV, because this virus can favor the development of cancer of the penis, anus and throat. The treatment of HPV can be done with solutions indicated by the doctor, for approximately 2 years and usually includes the application of ointments for HPV, such as Podofilina, prescribed by the urologist.

Learn more about HPV treatment.

However, when a man discovers that he has the HPV virus in a routine examination, the doctor may choose not to start treatment, because sometimes HPV cures itself, requiring no clinical treatment, but this does not happen at all. people. Know when spontaneous HPV remission occurs.

HPV vaccine in men

The HPV vaccine, sold commercially as Gardasil, protects against the appearance of genital warts and anal cancer, and should be taken by individuals under the age of 26, even if they have already been infected with HPV, because it protects against various types of this disease.

Vaccination is especially suitable for men who have sex with other men and in HIV-positive patients, but all men can get this vaccine. Find out more details of this vaccine.

How does man get HPV

The man can get HPV through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Thus, it is possible that HPV transmission occurs through sexual intercourse without a condom or when the condom does not cover the area containing the warts. Therefore, when it is not possible to protect the affected region, the risk of transmission is very great.

See in a simple way how to identify and treat HPV by watching the following video:

How to identify and treat hpv in men