Home Bulls Imipramine



Imipramine is the active substance in the brand name antidepressant Tofranil.

Tofranil can be found in pharmacies, in the pharmaceutical forms of tablets and 10 and 25 mg or capsules of 75 or 150 mg and must be taken with food to reduce gastrointestinal irritation.

On the market it is possible to find drugs with the same asset as the trade names Depramine, Praminan or Imiprax.


Mental depression; chronic pain; enuresis; urinary incontinence and panic syndrome.

Side effects

Fatigue may occur; weakness; sedation; drop in blood pressure when standing up; dry mouth; blurred vision; intestinal constipation.


Do not use imipramine during the period of acute recovery after myocardial infarction; patients undergoing MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor); children, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to use

Imipramine hydrochloride:

  • In adults - mental depression: start with 25 to 50 mg, 3 or 4 times a day (adjust the dose according to the patient's clinical response); panic syndrome: start with 10 mg in a single daily dose (usually associated with a benzodiazepine); chronic pain: 25 to 75 mg daily in divided doses; urinary incontinence: 10 to 50 mg per day (adjust the dose up to a maximum of 150 mg per day according to the patient's clinical response).In the elderly - mental depression: start with 10 mg per day and gradually increase the dose until reaching 30 to 50 mg per day (in divided doses) within 10 days.In children - enuresis: 5 to 8 years: 20 to 30 mg per day; 9 to 12 years: 25 to 50 mg per day; over 12 years: 25 to 75 mg per day; mental depression: start with 10 mg per day and increase for 10 days, until reaching doses from 5 to 8 years: 20 mg per day, 9 to 14 years: 25 to 50 mg per day, over 14 years: 50 to 80 mg per day.

Imipramine pamoate

  • In adults - mental depression: start with 75 mg at night at bedtime, the dose being adjusted according to clinical response (ideal dose of 150 mg).