Home Bulls Imiquimode



Imiquimod is an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Aldara.

This topical drug is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, but its mechanism of action is still unknown.

Indications of Imiquimod

Skin cancer; keratosis; condylomatosis.

Imiquimod Price

The 50 mg box containing 12 sachets costs approximately 155 reais and the 50 mg box containing 6 sachets costs approximately 80 reais.

Side Effects of Imiquimod

Erosion or excoriation of the skin; reactions at the application site; fungal infection; flaking: skin ulceration; respiratory system infection.

Contraindications for Imiquimod

Pregnancy Risk C; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to Use Imiquimode

Topical Use


  • Skin cancer: Apply the product to the defined treatment area, five times a week, before bed. The medication should be left on the skin for approximately 8 hours and removed with mild soap and water. Treatment period should not exceed 6 weeks. Condylomatosis: Apply the product on the wart, every other day (three times a week), before bed, rubbing well. The medication should be left on the skin between 6 and 10 hours and removed with mild soap and water. Continue treatment until the wart is gone or for a maximum of 16 weeks.