Home Symptoms Magnesium improves brain function

Magnesium improves brain function


Magnesium improves brain function because it participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, increasing memory and learning capacity.

Some foods with magnesium are pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, for example.

The magnesium supplement is a great physical and mental tonic, and can be found in health food stores and pharmacies in various forms and in association with other minerals and vitamins.

To maintain a healthy life and a good brain function, it is advisable to ingest 400 mg of magnesium daily, preferably through food.

Supplementation with magnesium or other brain tonics should be directed by a doctor.

What to take for the brain

Knowing what to take for the tired brain can be helpful in improving memory and mental alertness. Some examples of supplements that can help improve brain function and combat mental tiredness are:

  • Memorium or Memoriol B6 that contain vitamin E, C and the B complex, such as vitamin B12, B6, magnesium and folic acid, among other substances; Ginseng, in capsules, which strengthens memory and reduces brain fatigue; Ginkgo biloba, concentrated in syrup or capsules, which improves memory and blood circulation; Rhodiola, in capsules, a plant that eliminates fatigue and fights mood changes; Virilon rich in B vitamins and catuaba; Pharmaton multivitamin with ginseng, and minerals.

These supplements should only be used under medical guidance because excess magnesium or vitamins in the body can cause nausea and headache.

The consumption of foods rich in omega 3, as well as the use of supplements, such as fish oil, is also good for the brain, improving the intellectual performance and health of brain cells, increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that arrive in neurons.

Watch this video and learn that other foods help improve brain function:

Learn more about this mineral:

Magnesium improves brain function