Home Symptoms Mastoiditis: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Mastoiditis: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Mastoiditis is an inflammation of the mastoid bone, which is located in the prominence behind the ear, and is more common in children, although it can affect people of all age groups. Generally, mastoiditis happens due to a complication of otitis media, when the microorganisms that cause the infection spread beyond the ear and reach the bone.

The mastoid infection causes intense inflammation in the bone, which causes redness, swelling and pain in the bone behind the ear, in addition to fever and purulent discharge. In the case of symptoms that indicate mastoiditis, evaluation by the general practitioner, pediatrician or otolaryngologist is necessary, so that treatment with antibiotics is started as soon as possible, avoiding complications such as abscess formation and bone destruction.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms of a mastoiditis include:

  • Persistent and throbbing pain in the ear and in the region around the ear; Redness and swelling in the region behind the ear; Formation of a lump behind the ear, similar to a lump, which can be confused with other causes. Find out what are the main causes of lump behind the ear; Fever; Yellowish discharge from the ear; There may be a gradual decrease in hearing capacity, both due to the accumulation of secretion, as well as the involvement of the eardrum and other structures responsible for hearing.

Acute mastoiditis is the most common form of presentation, however, it also develops the chronic form, which has a slower evolution and with milder symptoms.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor must assess the symptoms, examine the ear and, if necessary, order imaging tests such as computed tomography. In addition, to identify the bacteria causing the infection, samples of ear secretion may be collected.

What are the causes

Generally, mastoiditis arises as a result of acute otitis media that has not been treated or has been treated incorrectly, which can happen when using wrong doses, stopping the use before the indicated time or when the antibiotic used is not enough to eliminate the microorganism causer, for example.

The microorganisms that most often cause this type of infection are Staphylococcus pyogenes , S. pneumoniae and S. aureus , which are able to spread from the ear to reach the bones.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of mastoiditis is guided by the otorhinolaryngologist, and is usually done with the use of intravenous antibiotics, such as Ceftriaxone, for example, for about 2 weeks.

If there is an abscess formation or if there is no clinical improvement with the use of antibiotics, drainage of the secretion may be indicated through a procedure called myringotomy or, in more severe cases, it may be necessary to open the mastoid.

Possible complications

Very severe or incorrectly treated mastoiditis can cause:

  • Deafness; Meningitis; Brain abscesses; Blood-borne infection, known as sepsis.

When it causes complications, it means that mastoiditis is very serious and needs rapid treatment at the hospital level, otherwise, it can even cause death.

Mastoiditis: what it is, symptoms and treatment