Home Symptoms Cystitis: symptoms, causes and how to treat

Cystitis: symptoms, causes and how to treat


Cystitis is an infection usually caused by the bacteria E. Coli, which migrates from the intestine to the urethra and its symptoms include urgency to urinate, pain and burning when urinating and its treatment can be done using natural remedies or antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. doctor.

Honeymoon cystitis is one that is usually caused by the rise of bacteria from the vagina itself to the bladder due to several small lesions in the urethra, due to the repetitive sexual act. Drinking a lot of water and peeing after intercourse may be enough to overcome this problem, but if the discomfort persists, a doctor should be consulted.

Interstitial cystitis, also called inflammatory bladder disease, causes symptoms such as severe pain in the abdominal region, the causes of which are not fully understood. Its treatment can be done with the use of medications, such as Hyaluronic acid, Heparin, Pentosan sodium polysulfate, Amitriptyline, Hydroxyzine and Cyclosporine, under medical guidance.

What symptoms

Symptoms of cystitis are usually:

  • Bladder pain, located slightly above the pubic area; Cloudy urine or bloody urine; Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, but with little urine at a time; Burning or burning when urinating; More frequent urination at night.

When the patient has back pain, the kidneys may be affected. The diagnosis of cystitis can be made through the urine test requested by the general practitioner.

Most common causes

The causes of cystitis are related to contamination of the bladder with bacteria from the vagina or the intestine itself. Some situations that may favor the onset of cystitis are:

  • Excessive intimate contact; Poor local hygiene, cleaning backwards; Low urine production caused by little water intake; Little space between the urethra and anus, in this case it would be an anatomical defect; Abnormal connection between the bladder and the vagina, a condition known as vesicovaginal fistula.

In men, the most common cause of cystitis is persistent bacterial infection of the prostate and it can rarely occur due to an abnormal connection between the bladder and the intestine called vesic-enteric fistula.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for cystitis can be done with the consumption of antibiotic remedies prescribed by the doctor such as Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline or Sulfametazole-trimethoprim, which must be taken for 3, 7 or 10 days. In addition, taking antibiotics should be associated with pain medications, such as Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride, and home remedies with a diuretic effect with Copaíba Oil, for example, which complement the treatment. Learn more about Copaíba Oil.

Another good example of home remedy for cystitis is the sitz bath with vinegar in the proportion of 3 liters of water to 2 tablespoons of vinegar, where it is necessary to wash the genital region and do this sitz bath daily for 20 minutes. Learn about other home remedies used to treat cystitis.

In addition to drug treatment, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day and consume diuretic foods, such as watermelon and celery, for example. Chronic cystitis appears to be resolved with the use of botulinum toxin in the bladder. Know more details of the Treatment for cystitis.

Cystitis in pregnancy

Cystitis in pregnancy may be more frequent because at this stage the woman has a natural impairment of the immune system. Cystitis in pregnancy generates the same symptoms mentioned above and can be treated with the use of home remedies and increased water intake. Check out some great options in Tea for cystitis.

Possible complications

As a consequence of a badly treated cystitis, the migration of bacteria from the bladder to the kidneys (pyelonephritis) can occur, making the case more serious. When they reach the kidneys, symptoms such as fever, severe low back pain and vomiting appear. The diagnosis is made through a urine test that checks for the presence of bacteria and its treatment is done with antibiotics.

Treatment for pyelonephritis should be instituted promptly, preferably with intravenous antibiotics, to prevent bacteria from reaching the bloodstream and causing sepsis, a severe clinical condition that can lead to death.

Cystitis: symptoms, causes and how to treat