Home Symptoms Cystoscopy: what is it for and how it is done

Cystoscopy: what is it for and how it is done


Cystoscopy, or urethrocystoscopy, is an imaging exam that is done primarily to identify any changes in the urinary system, especially in the bladder. This exam is simple and quick and can be done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia.

Cystoscopy can be recommended by the urologist or gynecologist in order to investigate the cause of blood in the urine, urinary incontinence or the occurrence of infections, for example, in addition to checking for the presence of any changes in the bladder. If any irregularity in the bladder or urethra is observed, the doctor may order a biopsy to complete the diagnosis and start treatment.

What is it for

Cystoscopy is done mainly to investigate symptoms and identify changes in the bladder, and may be requested by the doctor to:

  • Diagnose tumors in the bladder or urethra; Identify infection in the urethra or bladder; Check for the presence of foreign bodies; Assess the size of the prostate in the case of men; Identify urinary stones; Help in identifying the cause of the burning or pain when urinating; Investigate the cause of blood in the urine; Check the cause of urinary incontinence.

During the examination, if any changes in the bladder or urethra are found, the doctor can collect part of the tissue and refer to the biopsy to make the diagnosis and start treatment if necessary. Understand what it is and how the biopsy is done.

Exam preparation

To do the exam, no preparation is necessary, and the person can drink and eat normally. However, before the exam is performed, it is important that the person empties the bladder completely, and the urine is usually collected for analysis in order to identify infections, for example. See how the urine test is done.

When the patient chooses to perform general anesthesia, it is necessary to stay in hospital, fast for at least 8 hours and discontinue the use of anticoagulant drugs that he may be using.

How Cystoscopy is done

Cystoscopy is a quick exam, lasting an average of 15 to 20 minutes, and can be done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. The device used in cystoscopy is called a cystoscope and corresponds to a thin device that has a microcamera at its end and can be flexible or rigid.

The type of cystoscope used varies according to the purpose of the procedure:

  • Flexible cystoscope : it is used when cystoscopy is performed only to view the bladder and urethra, as it allows a better view of the urinary structures due to its flexibility; Rigid cystoscope: it is used when it is necessary to collect the material for biopsy or to inject medication into the bladder. In some cases, when the doctor identifies changes in the bladder during the examination, it may be necessary to perform cystoscopy afterwards with the rigid cystoscope.

To do the exam, the doctor cleans the area and applies an anesthetic gel so that the patient does not feel discomfort during the exam. When the region is no longer sensitive, the doctor inserts the cystoscope and observes the urethra and bladder by viewing the images captured by the microcamera present at the end of the device.

During the exam the doctor can inject saline in order to dilate the bladder to visualize it better or a medication that is absorbed by cancer cells, making them fluorescent, when bladder cancer is suspected, for example.

After the exam the person can return to their normal activities, however it is common that after the effect of anesthesia the region may be a little sore, in addition to being able to observe the presence of blood in the urine and burning when urinating, for example. These symptoms usually resolve after 48 hours, however if they are persistent, it is important to report to the doctor so that the necessary measures can be taken.

Cystoscopy: what is it for and how it is done