Home Bulls Umbilical stump: what it is and what care it should take

Umbilical stump: what it is and what care it should take


During pregnancy, the umbilical cord serves to provide nutrients to the baby, and after birth, a clamp or umbilical clamp is cut and placed, becoming the umbilical stump. In the first days after birth, the umbilical stump has a gelatinous, moist and shiny appearance, but after a few days it becomes dry, hardened and black.

The umbilical stump needs care and vigilance, before and after falling, as if not done this care can accumulate bacteria, favoring the appearance of infections and inflammations. In addition, the time to fall off the umbilical stump can take up to 15 days, however, it is different for each baby.

Care with umbilical stump

The baby's umbilical stump must be handled with care and it is necessary to take some simple measures to prevent infection, mainly because the newborn has very sensitive skin and does not yet have well-developed body defenses.

1. What to do before you fall

Before falling, care for the baby's umbilical stump should be done at least 3 times a day, always after bathing and changing diapers, so that the baby's navel heals more quickly and does not become infected.

The baby's umbilical stump usually falls between 7 to 15 days and it is normal for it to become smaller, black and dry until it falls. The precautions to be taken are:

  1. Hand wash with soap and water; Place 70% alcohol or 0.5% alcoholic chlorhexidine in the gauze or cotton swab; Lower the diaper so that the navel stays out; Clean the navel area with the gauze or cotton swab in circular movements.

After passing the swab once, you should throw it away and use a new swab, as this prevents the development of infections in the umbilical stump. Cleaning the umbilical stump does not cause pain, but it is normal for the baby to cry, as the liquid containing alcohol or chlorhexidine is cold.

After cleaning, the umbilical stump must be kept clean and dry, and it is not recommended to iron homemade products or to put bands, belts or any other piece of clothing that tightens the baby's navel, as this increases the risk of infection.

In addition, the diaper should be folded and placed below the navel to prevent it from getting damp in place and to prevent the umbilical stump from getting wet from pee or poop.

2. What to do after you fall

After the umbilical stump falls, it is important to keep the navel site under observation and cleaning should continue for 10 days. After bathing, it is important to dry the navel with a clean cloth, making gentle movements.

In this case, to clean the navel it is necessary to use cotton or gauze with saline, instead of 70% alcohol.

It is not advisable to place a coin or other object to prevent the navel from sticking out, as this can cause serious infection in the baby, mainly because the bacteria contained in these objects can spread through the newborn's body.

When to go to the pediatrician

The baby must be followed up with a pediatrician, however, parents or family members should seek medical attention quickly if the navel region shows the following signs:

  • Bleeding; Foul odor; Presence of pus; Fever; Redness.

In these situations, the pediatrician evaluates the baby's navel and guides the appropriate treatment, which may include the use of antibiotics, in case the navel is infected, for example. It is also important to consult the pediatrician if the baby's navel takes more than 21 days to fall, as it may be a sign of some change.

Umbilical stump: what it is and what care it should take