Home Symptoms 4 Causes of itchy head and what to do

4 Causes of itchy head and what to do


The itchy scalp can be caused by factors such as fungal infections, seborrheic dermatitis, lice or allergies, and can cause other symptoms such as redness, tenderness, peeling or irritation depending on the cause that causes the problem. Also know what are the main causes of head injury.

To identify the cause, it is important to go to the dermatologist so that tests can be performed in order to close the diagnosis and start treatment. The main causes of itchy scalp are:

1. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is an alteration of the skin that causes itching, flaking and the appearance of red spots on the skin, being a very common problem on the scalp.

This disease is not fully understood, but studies show that there is a relationship between increased production of sebum in the scalp and an infection caused by fungi, due to weakened immune systems or stress and, in some cases, it cannot be cured., which may appear several times throughout life. However, the symptoms can be controlled with the use of some medicines or shampoos indicated by the dermatologist. Learn more about seborrheic dermatitis.

What to do: the treatment can be done with anti-dandruff shampoos, which usually contain antifungal agents, and ingredients that exfoliate the skin and accelerate cell renewal, based on ketoconazole 2%, as is the case with Nizoral, Medicasp or Caspacil, for example. In cases where the shampoo is not enough to treat the problem, it may be necessary to use formulations with corticosteroids, such as capillary Betnovate or Diprosalic solution.

In addition, for the treatment to be more successful, it is very important to always keep your hair and scalp very clean and dry, remove the shampoo and conditioner well after the bath, do not use very hot water, reduce your alcohol intake and fatty foods and avoid stressful situations. See more about treatment for seborrheic dermatitis.

2. Ringworm of the scalp

The ringworm of the scalp, also known as Tinea capitis, consists of an infection caused by fungi, which can cause severe itching, the presence of dandruff and yellow crusts on the head, in addition to hair loss in some regions. In addition to these symptoms, some people may still have sore necks due to the immune system's response to fight the infection. Learn more about ringworm on the scalp.

As this type of ringworm is caused by fungi, it can easily catch from person to person, so to avoid transmission, objects such as combs, towels or hats should not be shared with people who have this disease. Know the ways of transmission of ringworm.

What to do: The treatment consists of the administration of antifungal remedies such as Terbinafine or Griseofulvin and the use of shampoos that also contain antifungals, such as Nizoral, Caspacil or Teuto Ketoconazole, for example.

3. Pediculosis

Pediculosis is characterized by an infestation with lice that causes severe itching and usually appears in school-age children, and passes easily from person to person through direct contact with hair or objects such as combs, hats or pillows. Learn how to identify pediculosis.

What to do: To treat this problem, use a treatment shampoo, based on Permethrin 5%, such as Paranix, Piosan or Kwell, and use a fine comb frequently.

During the treatment of lice elimination, it is advisable to wash infected pillows, sheets and clothing at a temperature above 60ÂșC, or to seal these objects in a plastic bag for about 15 days, killing the lice. Check out some tips for getting rid of lice.

4. Scalp allergy

An allergy to the scalp can be caused by cosmetics, chemicals or even exposure to the sun or use of hair dyes, which can cause severe itching, redness, peeling or sensitivity in this region. Learn all about coloring your hair.

What to do: to treat this problem the ideal is to go to the dermatologist to make sure that it is an allergy that causes itching and to identify its cause.

Generally, treatment consists of applying products with corticosteroids in their composition such as hydrocortisone or betamethasone, administering systemic antihistamine remedies such as cetirizine, desloratadine or ebastine, for example, or applying calming creams or ointments with calamine or aloe. Know what aloe vera is for and how to use it.

4 Causes of itchy head and what to do