Home Symptoms Itching in the ear: what causes it and what to do

Itching in the ear: what causes it and what to do


Itching in the ear can happen due to several causes that are usually easy to solve, such as dryness of the ear canal, insufficient wax production or use of hearing aids. However, in more severe cases, itching can occur due to psoriasis or infection, which can be more difficult to treat.

The treatment depends on the cause of the itch and consists of applying products that moisturize the area and calm the irritation, or in case of infection it may be necessary to take or apply drops with an antibiotic or antifungal.

1. Dry skin

When the ear does not produce enough wax, which has lubricating properties, the skin on the ear can become dry and itchy, and peeling may also occur.

2. Dermatitis of the ear canal

Dermatitis is an allergic skin reaction that generates symptoms such as redness, itching and peeling, and can be caused by contact with any substance or object that causes allergy.

3. Otitis externa

Otitis externa is an ear infection that can cause pain, itching, fever, redness, swelling and whitish or yellowish secretions, and in more severe cases it can lead to perforation of the eardrum. See how to identify otitis externa.

4. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that has no cure and causes symptoms such as red spots, dry scales, dry and cracked skin and consequently itching and pain.

5. Use of hearing aid

The use of hearing aids can lead to the accumulation of water that gets stuck in the ear, slightly attack the skin, cause pressure on the ear canal or even cause allergic reactions.

6. Use of objects in the ear canal

The use of objects that attack the ear canal, such as swabs, staples, among others, can cause itching and serious damage to the ear. Therefore, these objects should be avoided and replaced with solutions adapted for the purpose.

When to go to the doctor

Most of the problems that cause itching in the ear can be solved without specific treatment, however, if symptoms such as bleeding, fluid release, hearing loss or hearing loss occur, you should go to the doctor in order to understand what is happening. the source of the problem.

The doctor should evaluate the signs and symptoms associated with the itch and examine the ear to see if there is excessive or insufficient production of wax, eczema, psoriasis or any infection.

How the treatment is done

The treatment depends on the factor that causes the itchy ear, so in cases where the skin is dry or when wax production is insufficient, the use of lubricating solutions is recommended and the use of cotton swabs or objects that damage the skin.

In cases of allergies, antihistamines such as cetirizine or loratadine can be taken, and an ointment with corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, may also be associated, and in the presence of infections, the use of antibiotics in drops or ointment.

In addition, preventive measures should be taken, such as avoiding the use of cotton swabs and earplugs, avoid wearing jewelry that is not hypoallergenic, and in cases where frequent swimming pools, protect the ear with earplugs or use solutions that help dry out excess water from the ear canal. Learn other ways to get water out of your ear.

Home remedy with olive oil and garlic

Using olive oil in the ear helps to calm itching and irritation and to remove excess wax and garlic has antiseptic properties, making it a great option in the presence of infections.


  • 1 head of garlic; 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Method of preparation

Crush the garlic head and place in a spoon with the oil. Then, heat the spoon on the stove, and put a few drops on a piece of cotton and squeeze well to remove the excess. Finally, place the piece of cotton still warm inside the ear, so that it is covered, but without pressing excessively.

What can be itchy in the ear and throat

If the itching occurs in the ear and throat at the same time, it may be a sign of an allergy, such as allergic rhinitis, allergy to any medication or product, or even food allergy. Learn how to identify a food allergy and what to do.

In addition, itching can also be caused by a cold, which can be accompanied by runny nose, cough and headache.

Itching in the ear: what causes it and what to do