Home Symptoms Tympanoplasty: what it is, when it is done and how it is recovered

Tympanoplasty: what it is, when it is done and how it is recovered


Tympanoplasty is surgery performed to treat perforation of the eardrum, which is a membrane that separates the inner ear from the outer ear and is important for hearing. When the perforation is small, the eardrum is able to regenerate itself, being recommended by the otorhinolaryngologist or general practitioner the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic remedies to relieve symptoms. However, when the extension is large, it presents recurrent otitis with perforation, there is no regeneration or the risk of other infections is high, surgery is indicated.

The main cause of perforation of the eardrum is otitis media, which is inflammation of the ear due to the presence of bacteria, but it can also happen due to trauma to the ear, with decreased hearing capacity, pain and itching in the ear, it is important to consult the doctor to make the diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment. See how to identify the perforated eardrum.

When is indicated

Tympanoplasty is usually indicated for people over 11 years old who have had their eardrum pierced, being performed to treat the cause and restore hearing capacity. Some people report that after tympanoplasty there was a decrease in hearing capacity, however this decrease is transient, that is, improvement over the recovery period.

How it is done

Tympanoplasty is performed under anesthesia, which can be local or general according to the extent of the perforation, and consists of the reconstruction of the tympanic membrane, requiring the use of a graft, which can be from a membrane covering a muscle or ear cartilage that are obtained during the procedure.

In some cases, it may also be necessary to reconstruct the small bones found in the ear, which are a hammer, anvil and stirrup. In addition, depending on the extent of the perforation, the surgery can be performed through the ear canal or through a cut behind the ear.

Before surgery, it is important to check for signs of infection, as in these cases it may be necessary to be treated with antibiotics before the procedure to avoid complications, such as sepsis, for example.

Recovery after tympanoplasty

The length of stay in the tympanoplasty hospital varies according to the type of anesthesia that was used and the length of the surgical procedure, and the person can be released in 12 hours or have to stay in the hospital for up to 2 days.

During the recovery period, the person should have a bandage on the ear for about 10 days, however the person can return to normal activities 7 days after the procedure or according to the doctor's recommendation, it is only recommended to avoid the practice physical activities, wetting the ear or blowing the nose, as these situations can increase pressure in the ear and lead to complications.

The use of antibiotics to prevent infections and the use of anti-inflammatories and analgesics may also be indicated by the doctor, as there may be some discomfort after the procedure. It is also common that after tympanoplasty the person feels dizzy and has an imbalance, however this is temporary, improving during recovery.

Tympanoplasty: what it is, when it is done and how it is recovered