Home Symptoms Elephantiasis treatment: home and pharmacy remedies

Elephantiasis treatment: home and pharmacy remedies


The treatment for elephantiasis, also known as filariasis, usually starts with the intake of antiparasitic drugs, the most used, and recommended by WHO, is Diethylcarbamazine (DEC). This remedy is able to eliminate the parasite larvae from the blood, preventing the transmission of the disease, as well as some adult forms, relieving the symptoms.

Generally, treatment with DEC is done for 12 consecutive days and, during this period, it is possible for some side effects to appear, such as dizziness, nausea, headache or muscle pain, for example.

If the side effects are very intense, the doctor may exchange Diethylcarbamazine for Ivermectin, another antiparasitic. However, this remedy does not eliminate adult forms of the parasite and, therefore, if there are symptoms, such as swelling of a limb, there may be no improvement.

What to do after treatment

After taking treatment with medication, if there is swelling in a limb, the doctor usually makes a referral to a lymphedema specialist, who is able to inform the person about positioning care, exercises and massages that help to relieve the swelling of the affected limb, by improving lymphatic drainage. See step-by-step instructions for a lymphatic drainage massage, which can help.

In some cases, especially in the case of men with elephantiasis in the genital region, the doctor may also advise to have surgery, to correct some changes caused by the parasite and to reduce the swelling.

When surgery is necessary

Surgery for elephantiasis can be indicated along with the use of medicines when there is already swelling of a limb, which indicates that there are adult forms of the parasite developing in the lymphatic vessels.

In addition, since Diethylcarbamazine may not eliminate all adult forms of the parasite, surgery can also be used after treatment with this drug, especially in the case of men with elephantiasis in the genital region.

Home remedy to deflate

An excellent home remedy for elephantiasis is to drink tea from the leaf of cow's paw because this medicinal plant has diuretic properties that help control the swelling caused by the disease.


  • 150 g of cowpea leaves, 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place the leaves of paw-of-cow in the boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain and apply compresses of this tea on the elephant affected limb.

At the same time you can still drink the tea from the plant. To do this, add 30 grams of the leaves of the same medicinal plant to 1 liter of boiling water, wait 5 to 10 minutes and then strain.

This natural treatment is only intended to help in the recovery and relief of symptoms and does not replace the treatment recommended by the doctor.

Elephantiasis treatment: home and pharmacy remedies