Home Bulls Chamomile c for baby: indications and dosage

Chamomile c for baby: indications and dosage


Chamomile C is an oral medication, indicated to relieve oral discomfort due to the birth of the first teeth, and can be used from the baby's 4 months of life.

The medicine contains extract of Chamomile and Licorice, two medicinal plants that have mild sedative, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, reducing the discomfort caused by the first dentition and possible gastrointestinal disorders, resulting from this phase. In addition, it contains vitamin C, which contributes to the production of collagen, important for maintaining the dentin structure of the developing tooth, and vitamin D3, which contributes to the absorption and utilization of calcium.

Camomillin C can be purchased in pharmacies, for a price of about 38 to 43 reais, without the need to present a prescription.

What is it for

Chamomile C is indicated for the relief of pain and discomfort caused by the first dentition in children between 4 months and 2 years of age.

How to use

The recommended dose is 1 capsule of Chamomile C, 2 times a day, it being necessary to open each capsule and mix its contents in yogurt, fruit, water or milk, ingesting right afterwards so as not to change the flavor of the food, nor lose its properties. The maximum daily dose is 4 capsules a day.

For babies who breastfeed exclusively, it is best to mix the contents of a capsule in a small amount of water and gradually offer it to the baby, using a needle-free syringe.

Who should not use

Camomillin C should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to the formula's components, who have excess blood calcium, kidney stones, excess vitamin D, primary hyperparathyroidism or cancer.

In addition, if children experience symptoms such as fever, severe irritation, major gum changes and digestive problems during the first dentition process, you should seek medical attention, as these symptoms may be caused by an infection or inflammation that may not be related to teething.

See other methods that can help relieve the pain of teeth birth in the baby.

Possible side effects

When used according to medical advice and in the correct dose, no side effects are found, however, if a dose higher than that indicated on the package insert is ingested, some symptoms may appear, such as nausea, vomiting, thirst, excess urine, dehydration and imprisonment. belly. In these cases, the pediatrician should be consulted.

Although drowsiness is not mentioned in the package leaflet, this medication can facilitate the baby's sleep and make him more relaxed, since he is less disturbed by his teeth.

Chamomile c for baby: indications and dosage