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How perineum surgery is done


Perineoplasty is used in some women after childbirth to strengthen the pelvic muscles when other forms of treatment are unsuccessful, especially in cases of urinary incontinence. This surgery has the function of repairing tissue lesions in order to recover its initial structure before pregnancy, as the procedure reconstructs and tightens the muscles.

The perineum is a region of tissue that lies between the vagina and the anus. Sometimes, childbirth can cause injuries in that region, which can cause vaginal laxity. Thus, this type of surgery is widely used to increase the strength of the pelvic muscles when it is not possible to achieve good results just by performing Kegel exercises.

Normally, perineoplasty takes about 1 hour and, although it is done under general anesthesia, the woman does not need to be admitted to the hospital, being able to return home after the end of the anesthesia effects. The price of perineoplasty surgery is approximately 9 thousand reais, however, it can vary according to the clinic selected and the complexity of the surgery.

Who should have the surgery

This type of surgery is indicated for women who have had a vaginal delivery and have felt the vagina loose, decreased sensitivity during intimate contact, urinary incontinence or changes in bowel habits.

However, there are women who have not undergone vaginal delivery, but who, for other reasons, may need to resort to this surgery, such as being overweight, for example.

How is recovery

In most cases, recovery is quick and the person can return to work a few days later, however, bleeding can occur, which is normal, and an absorbent must be used for this. The stitches are usually reabsorbed in about 2 weeks.

The doctor may prescribe painkillers to withstand the pain that may manifest in the first days. In addition, the following is recommended during the postoperative period:

  • Drink lots of water and fiber to avoid constipation; Avoid intimate contact for about 6 weeks; Keep resting at home for 1 week; Avoid long hot baths during the first 2 weeks; Avoid intense exercise, such as running or go to the gym for 2 weeks or until the doctor tells you to.

In addition, one should be aware of any symptoms that may arise, such as heavy bleeding, severe pain, fever or a bad-smelling discharge, for example, which may be symptoms of an infection.

What are the risks

Perineum surgery, as well as postoperative, usually runs smoothly, however, as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks such as the development of infections and bleeding.

In addition, the person may suffer from constipation in the days following the surgery and, if the water and fiber intake is not enough, it may be necessary to take a mild laxative to soften the stool and facilitate its evacuation.

Thus, it is important to be aware of signs that may indicate the development of these complications, such as fever above 38ยบ, severe pain, discharge with a foul smell or bleeding, for example. In these cases it is advisable to go to the emergency room immediately.

How perineum surgery is done