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Can aspirin cause miscarriage?


Aspirin is a medication based on acetylsalicylic acid that serves to fight fever and pain, which can be purchased in pharmacies and drugstores even without a prescription. However, aspirin should not be taken in pregnancy without medical knowledge because doses above 100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid can be harmful, and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Thus, taking Aspirin during pregnancy should only be done when in small doses, when indicated by the doctor. Usually the occasional taking of 1 or 2 tablets of Aspirin in the first weeks of gestation, seems to be neither harmful to the woman nor to the baby, but in case of doubt, the doctor should be notified and an ultrasound performed to see if everything is okay.

Although the doctor may prescribe the taking of small daily doses of aspirin in the 1st and 2nd trimester of gestation, Aspirin is absolutely contraindicated in the 3rd trimester, more specifically after the 27th week of pregnancy because complications can occur at the time of delivery, such as hemorrhage that puts the woman's life at risk.

The use of aspirin after delivery should also be done with caution because daily doses above 150 mg pass through breast milk and can harm the baby. If treatment with larger doses is required, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Safe dose of Aspirin in Pregnancy

So, to use Aspirin in Pregnancy it is recommended:

Gestation period Dose
1st trimester (1 to 13 weeks) Maximum 100 mg per day
2nd trimester (14 to 26 weeks) Maximum 100 mg per day
3rd trimester (after 27 weeks) Contraindicated - Never use
During breastfeeding Maximum 150 mg per day

Other alternatives to Aspirin

To combat fever and pain during pregnancy, the most suitable medication is Paracetamol because it is safe and can be used at this stage because it does not increase the risk of miscarriage or bleeding.

However, it must be taken after medical advice because it can affect the liver when used too often, causing discomfort for women. In addition, taking more than 500 mg of Paracetamol daily increases the risk of the baby having less concentration and more learning difficulties.

Home remedies against fever and pain in pregnancy

  • Fever: it is better to adopt simple strategies such as showering, wetting your wrists, armpits and neck with fresh water and wearing less clothing, resting in a well-ventilated place. Pain: take chamomile tea that has a calming action or enjoy lavender aromatherapy that has the same effect. Check out the teas that the pregnant woman should not take during pregnancy.
Can aspirin cause miscarriage?