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Silicone prosthesis: main types and how to choose


Breast implants are silicone, gel or saline structures that can be used to enlarge the breasts, correct asymmetries and improve the contour of the breast, for example. There is no specific indication for placement of silicone prostheses, and they are usually requested by women who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breast, with a direct impact on self-esteem.

Many women resort to the placement of silicone prostheses after breastfeeding, as the breasts become flaccid, small and, at times, dropped, being indicated in these cases the placement of the prosthesis about 6 months after the end of breastfeeding. In addition, breast implants can be used in the breast reconstruction process in the case of breast removal due to breast cancer.

The value varies according to the desired volume and characteristics of the prosthesis, and can cost between R $ 1900 and R $ 2500.00, however, the complete surgery can vary between R $ 3000 and R $ 7000.00. In the case of women who wish to have prostheses placed due to mastectomy, this procedure is a right for women who have enrollment in the Unified Health System, and can be done free of charge. Understand how breast reconstruction is done.

How to choose the type of silicone

Silicone prostheses vary according to the shape, profile and size and, therefore, it is important that the choice of prosthesis is made together with the plastic surgeon. Usually, the surgeon evaluates chest size, tendency to sagging and the appearance of stretch marks, skin thickness and the person's goal, in addition to lifestyle and plans for the future, such as the desire to become pregnant, for example.

It is important that the placement of the prosthesis is done by a specialist doctor regularized by the Federal Council of Medicine (CRM) and that the prosthesis is in accordance with the quality criteria, has approval from ANVISA and has a useful life of at least 10 years.

Prosthesis size

The volume of the prosthesis varies according to the physical structure of the woman and her objective, and can vary between 150 and 600 ml, being recommended, in most cases, the placement of prostheses with 300 ml. Prostheses with a higher volume are only indicated for women with a physical structure capable of supporting the weight of the prostheses, being indicated for tall women with broad chest and hips.

Place of placement

The prosthesis can be placed through an incision that can be made under the breast, armpit or in the areola. It can be placed over or under the pectoral muscle according to the woman's physical composition. When the person has enough skin or fat, the placement of the prosthesis above the pectoral muscle is indicated, leaving the appearance more natural.

When the person is very thin or does not have much breast, the prosthesis is placed under the muscle. Learn all about breast implant surgery.

Main types of prosthesis

Breast implants can be classified into some types according to their characteristics, such as shape, profile and material, and may consist of saline, gel or silicone, the latter being the choice of most women.

In the saline prosthesis, the prosthesis is placed through a small incision and filled after its placement, which can be adjusted after surgery. This type of prosthesis is usually palpable and in case of rupture, one breast may be perceived smaller than the other, unlike the gel or silicone prosthesis, in which most of the time no rupture symptoms are noticed. However, gel or silicone prostheses are smoother and smoother and hardly palpable, which is why women are the main choice.

Prosthesis shape

Silicone prostheses can be classified according to their shape into:

  • Conical prosthesis, in which greater volume can be noticed in the center of the breast, ensuring greater projection to the breasts; Round prosthesis, which is the type most chosen by women, as it leaves the neck more designed and ensures better breast contour, being usually indicated for women who already have some breast volume; Anatomical or drop-shaped prosthesis, in which most of the volume of the prosthesis is concentrated at the bottom, resulting in the breast enlargement in a natural way, but leaving the cervix little marked.

Anatomical prostheses, because they do not give as much projection to the breasts and do not demarcate the cervix well, are not normally chosen by surgeons and women for aesthetic purposes, and are normally used in breast reconstruction processes, as they promote the increase of the shape and contour of the breast proportionately.

Prosthesis profile

The prosthesis profile is what guarantees the final result, and can be classified as super high, high, moderate and low. The higher the profile of the prosthesis, the more upright and projected the breast becomes and the more artificial the result. The prostheses with super high profile are indicated for women who have some degree of breast drop, however, the result may be unnatural.

In the case of a moderate and low profile, the breast is flatter, with no projection or marking of the neck, since the prosthesis has little volume and a large diameter. Thus, this type of prosthesis is indicated for women who wish to undergo breast reconstruction or who do not want the breasts to be projected too far forward, having a more natural result.

Who should not put silicone

The placement of silicone prostheses is contraindicated for women who are pregnant or who are in the postpartum period or breastfeeding, and must wait at least 6 months to place the prosthesis, in addition to not being recommended in case of hematological, autoimmune or cardiovascular diseases and for people under 16.

Silicone prosthesis: main types and how to choose