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Know when the baby can go to the beach


It is recommended that every baby take a sunbath in the early morning to increase the production of vitamin D and to combat the jaundice that is when the baby has very yellow skin. However, it is necessary to be very careful because although it is beneficial for the baby to stay 15 minutes in the morning sun, babies under 6 months should not stay on the beach or go into the sea.

After this period, baby care on the beach has to be increased due to the sun, clothing, food and accidents that can occur, such as burns, drowning or even the baby's disappearance.

Main baby care

The baby before 6 months of age should not go to the beach, but can take a stroll in the stroller at the end of the day, protected from the sun. From 6 months of age, the baby can stay on the beach with his parents, on his lap or in the stroller, for up to 1 hour, but parents should take some care with the baby on the beach, such as:

  • Avoid prolonged contact of the baby with sand and sea water; Avoid exposing the baby to the sun between 10 am and 4 pm; Prevent the baby from being directly exposed to the sun for more than 30 minutes; Bring an umbrella, the best would be a tent, to protect the baby from the sun or put him in the shade; choose a beach that does not have polluted sand or water unsuitable for bathing; use sunscreen with 30-50 protection for children, only after 6 months of life; Apply sunscreen, 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2 hours or after the baby enters the water; Wet only the baby's feet, if the water temperature is warm; Put a hat on the baby with a wide brim; Carry extra diapers and baby wipes; Carry a thermal bag with food, such as crackers, cookies or fruit and drink porridge, such as water, fruit juice or coconut water; Carry toys such as shovels, buckets or inflatable pool, taking care to fill it with little water, for the baby to play; Bring at least 2 towels for the baby; If possible, bring a waterproof plastic changer for changing the baby's diaper.

An important care that parents need to take with babies is never to use sunscreen before the baby's 6 months of life because the ingredients of this type of product can cause a serious allergy, and the baby's skin becomes very red and full of spots. This can happen simply by applying the protector and not even going out in the sun, so before applying any sunscreen, talk to the pediatrician and ask for his opinion on the most appropriate brand.

Know when the baby can go to the beach